I'm uhh, looking for a transfer. (I'm broke as fuuuuck!) :(

Shiz/Nerfmurlocks said:
So I'm tied up with my financials right now, but I am really interested in getting back into 19's. Now, as stated before, I don't have the money to support this transfer by my lonesome. I'm sure there's something we can work out with gold or something, or me paying back in the near future plus interest.

A friend mentioned I should come here and poke my nose in this srzz bizness.

anyway, I have been playing 19s since March '07, and have had three guilds that won premades over in Vindication, on numerous servers. I find myself very knowledgeable over all in the game, but I'm not one to toot my own horn. I like to think of myself as a person in Cyclone most people knew, I was in a pretty good guild over there, and for a period of time I ran the 19's public vent until I quit the game for more than the summer. I also feel obliged to say my 2v2 team was definitely in the running for best.

I'm basically looking for any guild currently in Ruin that has even just a few members I could log on and play with when 80s a bore. I'd be very active (meaning I'd be on at least once a day, maybe it would stretch for 3, because I like to keep my social life above my gameplay, I hope you understand).

My forte would probably be Priest, I played it for about 2 years non-stop, give or take. I also happen to have a Rouge, which I only find myself doing Rogue duels on. WSG isn't that fun to me on a Rogue anymore though. Add a Paladin under the list, which I'm also great at best. However it's been at least a year since I've actively played him, so things may have changed with that. All of them have Hat, of course, two of the Priest's have Battle Standard, along with the Rogue of mine. So it's fair to say I've done my fair share of 19 grinding.

Here's the Armory's if you feel so inclined to check my characters out:




If this spikes any interest, please let me know asap.

If people still flame these forums, have at it.

Ask Gracob or Bunnwabbit from Dynasty :\

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