I'm not sure what to make of this.


I don't know what brought this on, but I decided to make a resist-stacking shaman twink.

Why? Not even I know.

This is completely unusable and impractical, but feel free to comment.
I dont even see charged gears of shadow resist on wowhead, are they new?

I would still put the minor speed enchant on the boots

You could also get the new BoA mace, the 2 hander--apparently it has 15 fire resist, of all the strange things. . . but that would just be for more stats, it wouldn't be nearly as usefulll
The BoA 2handed mace does indeed have 15 FR [item]Repurposed Lava Dredger[/item], and that is because it is based off of [item]Finkle's Lava Dredger[/item] from Molten Core, obtained through the chest after killing Major Domo :p
Plus FR was such a crucial resist in doing MC, especially on rag. Kind of goofy to throw it on a heirloom though, but I guess it kind of honors its origins.
Anyone have any ideas how much %resist chance 27 fire, 27 nature, 32 arcane, 12 frost, and 40 SR would give?

I picked the shield to provide +5 all resistances, as it's BC enchantable. That's +25 of total resistance.

As I said, just for fun and impractical, but whatever.

if i were to do this, i would have different sets for each resist. If i saw a mage coming, i would put on fire and frost resist. If i saw a lock coming, i would put on shadow resist. If i saw a druid coming, i would put on arcane and nature resist. If i saw a priest coming, i would put on shadow/holy resist.

and so on

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