I'm not good at goodbyes..


Shoutouts to Acai, Yde, Rhae, Neon, Bizr, Salf, Veinte, Mialu, Zaxxo, Rlove, Ultra, Swoops, Shft, Dubbs, Phaiq, Pbt, Erub, Zera, Hida, Cer, Morgana, Decem, Lazer, Palona, Robert, Pino, Lolwuts, Totaltrash, Ole, Kochist, Cryptease; last and certainly least Felix.

My parting advice to AP is help the new players, you never know their potential. Listen to Zaxxo, stay positive, find a solution. Most importantly have fun and make fun.

It was a pleasure.
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Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Had some fun games the other night and you got some good ideas about this game and how you should treat your fellow players. You're a winner in my book!

Be well, have fun, and comeback sometime, you know, when you get rheally bored :D
Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Arrrgh! Godspeed matey (pirate thread has me talking like a pirate all day)! I hardly knew ye, but ye do be in me signature, and for that, I wish ye clear sailing. Fair winds!

And beware yonder salad-tossing sea-elves as ye round the horn...
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Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Take care mate! You quit after we have a long philosophical conversation? aha...

Anyhow, it was a pleasure to meet you and please do read ishmael; I have a copy if you would like me to send it to you.
Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Shoutouts to Acai, Yde, Rhae, Neon, Bizr, Salf, Veinte, Mialu, Zaxxo, Rlove, Ultra, Swoops, Shft, Dubbs, Phaiq, Pbt, Erub, Zera, Hida, Cer, Morgana, Decem, Lazer, Palona, Robert, Pino, Lolwuts, Totaltrash, Ole, Kochist, Cryptease; last and certainly least Felix.

My parting advice to AP is help the new players, you never know their potential. Listen to Zaxxo, stay positive, find a solution. Most importantly have fun and make fun.

It was a pleasure.

Goodbye man, you were quite the mage player. You were always a positive dude in chat, I shoulda played more with ya.
Have a good one irl.

ps. if ya ever get bored, stop by and say hai.
Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Aw! :( We'll miss you!
I always had awesome games and fun talks with you, and I can only second Pouch, don't quit completely and come by to say hi when you're bored sometime! :D
Wish you all the best! :)
Re: I'm not at goodbyes..

Shoutouts to Acai, Yde, Rhae, Neon, Bizr, Salf, Veinte, Mialu, Zaxxo, Rlove, Ultra, Swoops, Shft, Dubbs, Phaiq, Pbt, Erub, Zera, Hida, Cer, Morgana, Decem, Lazer, Palona, Robert, Pino, Lolwuts, Totaltrash, Ole, Kochist, Cryptease; last and certainly least Felix.

My parting advice to AP is help the new players, you never know their potential. Listen to Zaxxo, stay positive, find a solution. Most importantly have fun and make fun.

It was a pleasure.

</3 I'll miss you activate, it was great playing with you
Just came back from my holidays, so its late i know, but bye activate. You were an awesome dude, and one of the best mages ap had to offer easily. I can only offer you my best of wishes in all aspects of life, and a hope that you'll come back occasionally for some good old chats. I take my hat off to you, and say thank you from the deepest corners of my heart for everything you've done on ap.
Thank you and goodbye,

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