Im not entirely convinced that this exists...


Getting all the gear I need for my 19 Priest, been looking at the AH for a week and still haven't seen a Tree Bark Jacket lol, I've even looked on multiple servers, and nothing... this tells me it's going to be like 1k when I do find one.

No one said it gonna be cheap though haha

It’s not that they are so rare but that no one runs BFD. I was having trouble getting one so farmed it on my Druid for a week or so. Got two to drop along with a few Friar Staffs.

Not saying you will be so lucky but can do that if nothing else.
Yeah, I've ran it a few times on my 60 Lock, but its not fast or efficient by any means lol, gonna keep at it though, if I don't see one pop up on the AH soon. Im on Sulfuras US Horde btw.

Definitely exists : ) You'll find it eventually, you may want to try to ask in Trade chat whenever you are in town, someone likely has it on some bank alt! As people learn you are looking for it and haven't found it, more of them will search their bank alts to be helpful : )
They were everywhere at launch, selling for nothing. I have 2 sitting in a bank still because i stopped playing around AQ patch. Keep asking in chat, especially now that people are coming back for the new xpac... expect to pay a lot tho.

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