I'm looking for a BiS 29 frost mage

I'm pretty sure the mage in my sig is almost BiS. I'm missing the boots from SM and I think you wanna trade out my legs for the BoA legs, replace cloak with BoA cloak, get the other BoA shoulders and Dignified Headmaster's Charge.
I'm pretty sure the mage in my sig is almost BiS. I'm missing the boots from SM and I think you wanna trade out my legs for the BoA legs, replace cloak with BoA cloak, get the other BoA shoulders and Dignified Headmaster's Charge.

Not even close. Some of the gear you're wearing isn't even obtainable anymore. Of the slots containing obtainable gear, most of it isn't even good, let alone BiS.

Here's what a good mage armory would look like (with exception of Deadman's Hand and Zaetar's Gloves, both are grandfathered). Swap the weapon enchant for Soulfrost, get Maywiki's Favorite Ring - Item - World of Warcraft (or the horde version), and then Enumerated Handwraps - Item - World of Warcraft of the Sun with Frost Power enchant on them.

That would be a BiS mage armory.
Did you read my post underneath?

Not even close. Some of the gear you're wearing isn't even obtainable anymore. Of the slots containing obtainable gear, most of it isn't even good, let alone BiS.

Here's what a good mage armory would look like (with exception of Deadman's Hand and Zaetar's Gloves, both are grandfathered). Swap the weapon enchant for Soulfrost, get Maywiki's Favorite Ring - Item - World of Warcraft (or the horde version), and then Enumerated Handwraps - Item - World of Warcraft of the Sun with Frost Power enchant on them.

That would be a BiS mage armory.

And you do realize that armory literally has my gear and the changes I stated?

Anyways.. the wrists and neck are Horde only, all of that hit will turn to crit though with 6.0. As for rings, if you want more crit go with Yorgen's Boon (Alliance Only), has 1 less intellect but has 2 more crit, but it is dropping 50 health.

For professions you will definitely want Herbalism. Then from there it depends if you want stuns from Engineering or the 12 crit from getting 300 skinning.

With Glyphs go with Momentum for sure, all the other Minor Glyphs won't help you. With Major Glyphs there are a few options but because the bracket doesn't do battlegrounds right now I can't suggest a really good one. I chose the water elemental because it allows the elemental to cast Water Bolt while moving - so say someone is trying to run away (hunters) you'll have extra damage. The other one to go for is Ice Lance, as it will hit another target for 50% damage, so say you're in a Mid Fight or something you can cast freeze and Ice Lance a few extra targets. Because we have Ice Block at this level the Ice Block glyph is pretty nice as you can get out and instantly shatter a rogue or something like that. Counterspell is also a decent glyph, especially if you're focused on downing an EFC with a lot of healers around him. Overall it really depends on your play-style and what comp the other team has.

I haven't experimented with talents much - and I could be completely wrong - but I chose Presence of Mind for an instant frostbolt in a shatter situation.
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Claspera said:
And you do realize that armory literally has my gear and the changes I stated?

Your armory literally looks like you used to be a TBC twink, decided to do a couple quests in Cata, gave up, and then came back in MoP to get Robes.

It's nowhere near BiS, even in the slots you think are current. A player would be severely screwed if he used your character as a guide for his twink.

Claspera said:
I'm pretty sure the mage in my sig is almost BiS.

is what I was responding to. The rest of your post was about as vague as it gets, with no mention of chants, non BoA pieces (aside from boots), or the fact that you have some grandfathered pieces the OP can't even get anymore.

Claspera said:
Anyways.. the wrists and neck are Horde only, all of that hit will turn to crit though with 6.0. As for rings, if you want more crit go with Yorgen's Boon (Alliance Only), has 1 less intellect but has 2 more crit, but it is dropping 50 health.

Wrong again Bob. Both the wrists and neck are obtainable by alliance characters via their own versions of the horde quests. While the hit will turn to crit, there are still better options out there via Temperature Sensing Necklace and Glowing Magical Bracelets. Yorgen's Boon is alliance only, but it's also terrible for a 29. BoA ring/Maywiki's ring/SM ring are going to be flat out better, providing more stats because they are level appropriate. Hell, if you wanna get creative you could just go farm Gnomer for rings so that you can resist nature and arcane spells all day (lol @ druids, shamans, other mages).

No one @ 29 gets Yorgen's Boon, it's not BIS. The OP should literally follow my post for the correct direction to take his 29 mage (accounting for the suggestions I've made, of course). Professions aren't going to be a big deal because:

1. No one even plays 29s.

2. Profession perks are going away in WoD.

So you should probably just not learn professions until you know for sure what's happening in WoD to change them for low level characters.
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Well, as much as I hate being wrong I'll give you this one. To be honest I haven't played him since 29s were last active which I can't even remember. Most of this was just a best guess, just trying to help someone :)

Nor have I been up to date with WoD, so I guess the only real professions you'd want would be Engineering, and some other random one, maybe Alchemy? No idea there.
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Profession may or may not go away at low levels. We really do not quite know yet. We are still gaining perks in the beta as of date.
Best in slot is still up in the air post item squish. Best to just prepare and do as much "homework" as possible on your toon as you can. Such as getting enchants BoA/BoEs etc. I have been doing it for a couple months now.
Good luck with your Mage! Don't let the negativity of the other posters get you down. There is always a few nasty people every group.

Yes, the profession perks may or may not go away come Warlords for low levels. Who knows what will happen between now and release though. I am still leveling primary and secondary professions. What good twink would not? Have fun!

As I've tried to explain several times to Allybeboba, you have to wait until there's a PTR up before you can draw any solid conclusions about what's happening in WoD for low level players. The vast majority of changes we've seen on the Beta pertain only to level 90-100 characters because that's what the beta is for - testing that content specifically. That's why they do a separate PTR in the first place. That way they can specifically test certain parts of the expansion and make sure changes are working correctly.

We are due for a PTR client soon, probably within the next two weeks. Once that hits the test servers, people will be able to get a much better idea of what's happening in WoD at lower levels. Blizzard will have made changes specifically to the 1-90 part of the game, including adding the temporary pre expansion event for us all to test.
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It was mentioned in several posts that we will not have a good idea until prepatch drops about stat squish, which is only a few weeks away. And concerning profession perks, last time I checked, the perks were still working on the beta. Unlike many of the people that play WoW, I do not devote that much time to a video game. Thus, I have not checked the beta as of late. I am sure there are people that are more devoted to the game than me(i.e.have nothing better to do) that can give you a more timely update.
Good luck with your Mage !

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until scaling in the 20-29 bracket is truly known i would take a frost mage to level 25 for the glyph of choice. imo, cone of cold at 28 and remove curse at 29 are not worth leveling for and losing the scaling advantage
until scaling in the 20-29 bracket is truly known i would take a frost mage to level 25 for the glyph of choice. imo, cone of cold at 28 and remove curse at 29 are not worth leveling for and losing the scaling advantage
Good advise...
Another piece of advice, ignore the haters. There are plenty, don't let them get you down. Have fun!
Mages may not need to pass 24 or 25 depending on gylph and their playstyle. Also because their is a difference between a Mage that solo ques vs a Mage that is a role player CC Mage n a 5 man. The scaling may help Mage more with a lot more Hp and Int since he's only being asked to target call , Poly and etc..
Mages may not need to pass 24 or 25 depending on gylph and their playstyle. Also because their is a difference between a Mage that solo ques vs a Mage that is a role player CC Mage n a 5 man. The scaling may help Mage more with a lot more Hp and Int since he's only being asked to target call , Poly and etc..

If your mage is TC you are doing it completely wrong..

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