Im goin to build the Best Bis DK, and i want YOUR help


Hi guys, as the tile says im lvlin a dk im 62 atm and going 70 mode

im gonna twink a 70 dk Night elf.

I need u guys to say all the BIS gear for me <3

TY =)

first off... dont say you WILL be the best BiS DK lvl 70 when your not even 70 yet. saying you WILL be the best dosnt prove anything. twinking isnt easy and you are skiping the first steps of your goals. first goal is 1. make sure you have gold ready 2. do your research and find out what gear the twink you will make needs. 3. level to 70. 4. get some honor for gear. 5. look up the most BiS twink 70 DK and compare yourself to them. 6. make sure your not a noob with good gear that dosnt know how to play the class you are. btw never say Best BiS anything because you being the best of every one is VERY unlikely.
Randythehero said:
first off... dont say you WILL be the best BiS DK lvl 70 when your not even 70 yet. saying you WILL be the best dosnt prove anything. twinking isnt easy and you are skiping the first steps of your goals. first goal is 1. make sure you have gold ready 2. do your research and find out what gear the twink you will make needs. 3. level to 70. 4. get some honor for gear. 5. look up the most BiS twink 70 DK and compare yourself to them. 6. make sure your not a noob with good gear that dosnt know how to play the class you are. btw never say Best BiS anything because you being the best of every one is VERY unlikely.

agree :D

check out < twink Info > on the guys This site is Built for :D Check there DK's Out... Brutallus/Edaria, are preety Leet geared Unholy Dk's....might help aswell if You give pple a clue as to which spec you intend to play.. Unholy/Blood /Frost dw/2h...

Brutal/T6..Sunwell/Bt/Hyjai,( offset pieces ), would be considered BiS but not sure if Dk have a T4/T5/T6
look at me im n1 don't need best gear
"Im goin to build the Best Bis DK, and i want YOUR help"

Best Bis, just bis implys that your looking for the best gear.

Also no1 can help you before you say what you want to do, tanking, raid dps, fc and/or arena.

It's never been hard to look on wowhead for gear but apperently way to many make this kinds of threads. Imo, it's okey if you come with a chardev and than ask what you can improve with it, but this post(s) are just retarded.
So your building a BEST BiS not a WORST BiS? Interesting. Best Best in slot, interesting.
some time ago, i saw frost dk with nice gear from IDDQD guild, named Satina or smth like that, try to find his profile ))

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