I'm calling a hit...

On "Whiterhyno".

His name has a few funky characters in it.

He's a rogue on the "Ruin" battlegroup.

Right prick, he is... Holodot (a friend of mine IRL) and I are running instances for satchels, and this fucker comes along and rolls need, only to spite us, on items with +int that are very needed by a lock and a mage. [item]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/item] for example.

Since then, we've ran into him a couple more times. Twice in WSG and once more in the Arena. All 3 times he's shoved are twinks right back in our faces. The occasion in the arena, consisted of a 2v1 scenario, Holodot and I vs. Whiterhyno. Holodot asked me to step aside, because he wanted to kill him 1v1. Whiterhyno immediately came after me, so I casted polymorph and ran away. He continued following me after I sat down whilst he's hitting me, pointed at Holodot numerous times, and didn't attack once apart from to CC (nova and poly).

He eventually killed me. I wasn't going to waste my AGM, PvP trinket nor lifeblood on his sorry ass... Anyway, straight after he did, he jumped right out of the arena, leaving Holodot completely unharmed.

The WSG events followed, and both times he's decided he is completely superior to the both of us, and criticizes every aspect of our play (even though I'm 100% confident that I would cream all over his Shadowfang in a duel or WSG scenario).

All I ask you to do, is if you see this guy- spit on him. Don't say anything. Just spit. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it! :)

PS: Finally found the perfect profile picture, any comments?
sounds like his plan is working to piss you off. mission accomplished!
Audiofreak said:
On "Whiterhyno".

His name has a few funky characters in it.

He's a rogue on the "Ruin" battlegroup.

Right prick, he is... Holodot (a friend of mine IRL) and I are running instances for satchels, and this fucker comes along and rolls need, only to spite us, on items with +int that are very needed by a lock and a mage. [item]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/item] for example.

Since then, we've ran into him a couple more times. Twice in WSG and once more in the Arena. All 3 times he's shoved are twinks right back in our faces. The occasion in the arena, consisted of a 2v1 scenario, Holodot and I vs. Whiterhyno. Holodot asked me to step aside, because he wanted to kill him 1v1. Whiterhyno immediately came after me, so I casted polymorph and ran away. He continued following me after I sat down whilst he's hitting me, pointed at Holodot numerous times, and didn't attack once apart from to CC (nova and poly).

He eventually killed me. I wasn't going to waste my AGM, PvP trinket nor lifeblood on his sorry ass... Anyway, straight after he did, he jumped right out of the arena, leaving Holodot completely unharmed.

The WSG events followed, and both times he's decided he is completely superior to the both of us, and criticizes every aspect of our play (even though I'm 100% confident that I would cream all over his Shadowfang in a duel or WSG scenario).

All I ask you to do, is if you see this guy- spit on him. Don't say anything. Just spit. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it! :)

PS: Finally found the perfect profile picture, any comments?

lol. get over it and move on. It's your fault for not fighting back.
Whiterhyno owns, get over it, stop making pointless threads QQing about somone. If you don't like them beat them to shut them up. Threads like this only let the person know they have won.
Anyone else laugh at his sig? I don't even have accress to BoA's and I think it's stupid.

But ignore is for pussies, if you can't take up a fight then get the fuck out. It's the easy way out, that's like some one calling you out in real life then not going to it.
McBankington said:
Anyone else laugh at his sig? I don't even have accress to BoA's and I think it's stupid.

But ignore is for pussies, if you can't take up a fight then get the fuck out. It's the easy way out, that's like some one calling you out in real life then not going to it.

I agree with every point of this post.

sad because other people have BoAs and you dont? stop crying, get off your ass and level a toon to 80.
Eliot said:
Whiterhyno owns, get over it, stop making pointless threads QQing about somone. If you don't like them beat them to shut them up. Threads like this only let the person know they have won.

Ahhh, the American way. I must learn these things if I'm going to play on an American server.
No @threads, QQ moar, and noone cares. I didn't even read the first half, but if you think "revenge" counts as /spitting everytime you see someone, then wow. Just leave this forum. You and the person you're talking about are the kind of people that ruin twinking.

Audiofreak said:
Ahhh, the American way. I must learn these things if I'm going to play on an American server.

lol Hypocrasy. You already made yourself seem naturally American by your Original post and Signature. Go away.

EDIT: You're Holocast from Fishin' Buddies lolol.
iaccidentallytwink said:
No @threads, QQ moar, and noone cares. I didn't even read the first half, but if you think "revenge" counts as /spitting everytime you see someone, then wow. Just leave this forum. You and the person you're talking about are the kind of people that ruin twinking.

lol Hypocrasy. You already made yourself seem naturally American by your Original post and Signature. Go away.

EDIT: You're Holocast from Fishin' Buddies lolol.

lol, you're Thirk from Fishin' Buddies...

There's a lovely thread about the elitism that's ruining twinking- go read that. Your name was highlighted in my mind when I read it. Remember your also lovely post that Jutebraid Gloves are 2 armor better, and the Staff of the Blessed Seer is not BiS?

I'm not seriously offended by the kid, Whiterhyno. If I was I would take it up with him, but I'm not. My thought was "Oh, an arsehole is being an arsehole", normally I would ignore entirely, but it became clear to me that this arsehole is what is known as a mega-arsehole. Ah-ha! I know what I'll do, I'll get those that I know are good people (i.e. posters on TI that I'm spoken to are generally good people) to spit on him, and that would be it.

It was more of a funny poke at him, rather than an attack. I'm not going to go and steal his drops, or gank him, or fuck his day up in any way- All my plan was was to have a lot of people spit on him for being an arsehole.
Audiofreak said:
elitism that's ruining twinking

id like to think casuals ruin it..but hey.
Audiofreak said:

This kid is such an obvious troll. And if not may his mother drop him on his head once more in hopes that it'll knock his brain back in place.

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