I'm being blackmailed for $200! COOL STORY INSIDE!


Guild Master

So basically, I owe A $100, and he's forcing me to pay him $200. He IMs me today giving me personal information that I've only told several people and gives me an October 1st deadline. I've suspected that my box has been rooted for a while now.

Later on in the night I talk to B, a best friend of mine (best friend of A also, but different personality types. He's more like me.) and suspect that he was telling him things. This turns out to not be the case because after suspecting that A is rooting B and telling him he might be reading his chats over AIM, he pops into his AIM session and A IMs me from Bs screenname. B flips out and threatens to skin A alive for breaking his trust (at this point both A and B were on B's blade server session), and he kicks his VPN off the server. This was actually the funniest part of all this because as we're exchanging our convo about him rooting his box he literally pops in through his screenname and says "don't worry bro I only read your convos with him" and B flips the **** out and tells him to **** off his box.

I later message one of my best friends C telling him to only call me from now on. He talks to A as well, and I find out HE is rooted too because A responds to my chat message sent over FB through his name.

He also told me things that I've only told my girlfriend, so she is compromised as well because of things that were only exchanged between us. Which in effect means I am too because the only way it could have spread was through me via worm.

Basically he's compromised both my friend's boxes and my GFs and I'm being blackmailed. I'm also infecting everyone I swap flashdrives with, most likely. It doesn't help that I know he's good at programming his own rootkits. Fun fun fun. Time to wipe my PC, my girlfriend's, have B wipe his and C's as well.
iaccidentallytwink said:
He IMs me today giving me personal information that I've only told several people and gives me an October 1st deadline.

or.. what?

just never pay him back
Quelfep said:
or.. what?

just never pay him back

Problem isn't the info he has. Problem is how he could have obtained it. Don't care what he tells people, he can continue going back for more.
Quelfep said:
or.. what?

just never pay him back

I think that's the whole black mail part. I'm sure you'll come up with some shit, IAT, and if this guy really needs $200 enough to bother with all that shit, then he msut be really desperate.
Phauren said:
So beat the shyt out of the kid? Problems solved i would think

I don't resort to violence and neither does he. We both have friends.
McBankington said:
I think that's the whole black mail part. I'm sure you'll come up with some shit, IAT, and if this guy really needs $200 enough to bother with all that shit, then he msut be really resperate.

I know him well enough to know he doesn't need the money that badly. He's acting off principle.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Problem isn't the info he has. Problem is how he could have obtained it. Don't care what he tells people, he can continue going back for more.

He won't stop if he knows he can get money out of you. Just go to the police and tell them everything you've told us. What he's doing is illegal.
Niini said:
He won't stop if he knows he can get money out of you. Just go to the police and tell them everything you've told us. What he's doing is illegal.

You don't understand how much it would cost to hire someone that would get a jury or judge to understand a single jargon in my OP, much less win any penalty over him.
no you wouldnt be suing him you would be reporting a crime that he has committed

also youre a bit snobby with your technical lingo eh, the concepts really arent all that difficult and internet based crimes run through the courts every day
Niini said:
no you wouldnt be suing him you would be reporting a crime that he has committed

also youre a bit snobby with your technical lingo eh, the concepts really arent all that difficult and internet based crimes run through the courts every day

It's more of the fact that gathering and concluding evidence requires someone who works in the IT field to give enough of a shit about some small case like this (same thing crime-wise), and while hobbyists would easily understand my OP, you'd need someone hired to work around law as well, which is not worth it simply because finding someone competent enough to do anything legally is hard. My brother has been in trouble with the law over cyber-crime, they are complete morons 99% of the time and criminal cases will not get ANYWHERE.

Sorry if I sounded snobby, wasn't my intention.
ah dang >.<

yeah my only experience is with businesses where its all taken a bit more seriously
Sounds like someone is overdued on his rent for his moms basement.

Jk.. But you wouldn't have to hire anyone to investigate it as someone mentioned earlier; it's not the hacking but the blackmailing they take seriously. I'm studying law at the university and this is nothing but a severe crime - a crime that is looked strictly upon regardless of the amount of money involved. However, I have a hard time imagining my "friends" to blackmail me for a hundred bucks. I mean, you guys hardly earn money over there, everything is shipped back to China :-D

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