Im addicted.

Just another case of people letting their possessions rule theirs lives. People let the media tell them that they need a bigger home, and faster car, farther away from the city, so they can spend their lives commuting and paying car insurance, and spending all thier money on gas just to get to work and back. The American Dream is a lie. Get out while you still can!

I totally agree. Life needs a F2P option! (One that doesn't involve living under a bridge.)
If I was on my P2P, I'd probably be addicted. Fortunately, F2P doesn't have that same allure so I can get on for an hour and get off and no come on for 2-3 days. Eventually we all start to naturally lose the addiction/passion. You will too, in time. But I say losing the passion and finding it all over again is sweeter than just living for the addiction. Because when you get tired of the game, leave it alone for a month or two and come back, it feels so good.

Ill always love f2p and p2p, even back when i played 24/7 i didn't get bored of either. When i was on my f2p i would start out my weekend with bgs and gearing new toons then get new mogs,duel people,arena,try for agm, so many things u can do. On my p2p though, it was like i had this endless list of stuff i need to do and it surw is fun lvling a new character with friends then doing pvp all day. Basically i simple can't get bored........... and i really hope low lvl ret pallies get some improvement in the next xpac as i want to make a p2p twink ret or f2p my main if we aren't at a huge disadvantage to 24s . Or if rogues get mobility again since rogue has always been my fav. idc if they are still op or get weak i will always have a rogue rdy to pounce if we get shadowstep back or something. i prefer to rogue at all lvls, not just 20 or 24. rogue 4 lyfe we got da most swag with our sexy returns and kewl ninja gearz and weps.
This thread is becoming srsbsns

Sorry, I did get a bit off-topic there, but what I was trying to say is: if WoW is what makes OP truly happy, why deny it, and call it an addiction? That just adds shame to the equation. I'm taking it back!

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”
― Albert Camus

“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”
― Albert Camus

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
― Albert Camus
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o udders u philosophical wizard u
got to have a philosophy to start a political movement.


A quote i've heard

-"Honor and glory...such illusion perpetrated by heroes throughout history have led countless young men to their bloody death, all for the sake of this valor and glory. There's no hope on a battlefield. Its just a crime we call victory paid for by the pain of the defeated. The true nature of humanity have not advance a step since stone age"

-" I've been wondering what's really to blame...Is it the power to kill? Any human who come across that power will be unhappy. No matter how one use that power, you can never built true happiness on the death of others"

-"There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away"

-"Justice will triumph. Of course it will, because the strongest will become justice!"

yea, i think im being off topic here :/ but who else think the same as me?
I used to read about people being addicted to wow and just laughed never thinking that someday that would be me, but i like it though. it doesn't bother me that wow is literally something part of me. When i was younger and didn't have a job and rl responsibilities i would come home from school at 3:30 and play until midnight, wake up at like 8am Saturday and play entire day until 3-4 am basically as long as i could stay awake ... and i loved every minute of it. nowadays work +school and then a dad who doesn't let me get on the computer is the only things standing between me and azeroth.but even though i don't play atm, i still feed off all the wow forums and YouTube videos. someday i will return to playing for 12+ hours on end as i could care less about all the drama,lies,crime, and fake people in RL. i love World of Warcraft and i don't care about what anyone has to say .. this game soothes my soul and makes me happy and you only get one life so you must do what makes you happy. im hoping that nezt year i will have enough money to move out and finally return to my home ... azeroth. LONG LIVE THE ALLIANCE! !!

I was just like you . I could play WoW for 6 hours , but today i play 1 hour per day , except Saturday and Sunday because on Saturaday and on Sunday i play WoW for 3 hours or even more.
I like this game. I like F2P and P2P. WoW has the bigger variety compared to every game created until now and that is the reason why its the best game for me.
Well you see.... i get girls very easily and have been for as long as i can remember but I've realized that it just isn't enough to keep me happy for entire days + nights like wow does. i have plenty of friends and some would label me as one of the "cool kids"
outside of wow i play soccer, hang with friends, etc
but wow with a red bull and some spicy chips beats everything

Exact same as me! I'd rather stay in play and WoW!
Do what you do man. The only validation you need comes from within.
im glad im not alone

As for me WoW is an important part of my life ====> Is the game that i like the most===> I started playing Warcraft 8 years before and then i started playing WoW. WoW has bigger variety compared to every game i have ever seen, but you also have RL responsabilities like bills to pay and you must work to pay them !!
Tbh just wondering when ever i'll actually grow out of wow.Somebody once told me a story that ppl that play wow start at the age of 10-12 and stay f2p because their parents see the effect/addiction of playing wow but as they grow up they begin to earn their own money to spend then they come p2p and it like something that lives with them i guess this actually happened if any one know the undead priest Britni in cata days.
Tbh just wondering when ever i'll actually grow out of wow.Somebody once told me a story that ppl that play wow start at the age of 10-12 and stay f2p because their parents see the effect/addiction of playing wow but as they grow up they begin to earn their own money to spend then they come p2p and it like something that lives with them i guess this actually happened if any one know the undead priest Britni in cata days.
This is me hahaha. and that name Britni sounds familiar from cata days
Britni sounds familiar from cata days

EU though
[MENTION=21226]pryopaladin[/MENTION] A Hi to Britni from Bløødthirst

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