I'll just leave this here.

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  • loltgodlost.jpg
    444.6 KB · Views: 225
There are a couple screenshot threads in this section already...

Why do people, you included, insist on singling out Tgod? It's not even a competitive rivalry at this point.
ppl are on my D heavy cuz i pwn everybody, but good game .... i was stuck carrying flag most of the game... you all kno i farm you in gy , epichealtime/jinx .. you all know but im giving you a congratz for winning.
oh i kno .. we didn't have a real FC which why i was carrying it for half of the game.. we usually spank jinx's premade 5v5 everytime .. where is the pic and vid of my 4 man whip'n ironmans 10man in mid 4+ times? id like to see that on this thread =)
oh i kno .. we didn't have a real FC which why i was carrying it for half of the game.. we usually spank jinx's premade 5v5 everytime .. where is the pic and vid of my 4 man whip'n ironmans 10man in mid 4+ times? id like to see that on this thread =)

LOL this is so not true...we lost to you once with a 5 man and we had no healers...only other time you have won a game I was in or GY farmed me was when I was solo queued or with just Bison but you know its cool if you wanna think that :) /highfive
I solo queued into that.. though I did group with Jinx for next one which was another close game we won.. very fun games.
lol jinx i farmed u many many many times but like i said i give you a congratz of winning when it was 1 cap on 1 cap both had flags.
lol jinx i farmed u many many many times but like i said i give you a congratz of winning when it was 1 cap on 1 cap both had flags.

With as much as you moonfire > run I don't see how you could really farm anyone. You're quite the coward w/ how you play. Show's in the little damage you do in games.
lol jinx i farmed u many many many times but like i said i give you a congratz of winning when it was 1 cap on 1 cap both had flags.

You do realize I have only seen you in about 4-5 games right? one Bison and I /afk'd from and tonight being one of those also...haha so I am unaware of how that equates to many many many times LOL...
Game was fun either way. Pretty competitive and kept me on edge. Yet one thing that did suck was the fact that our offense was quite incompetent when you did get that cap. (I am Sways).

You were on me like white on rice LOLS kudos to you I couldn't get anywhere when you didn't want me too :p
My hunter got healed for once that game. He actually turned around and looked at me and said "wtf" I know Metro, i was shocked as well.
and those 5 games we dominated your team , its not my fault u run with no healers... i even have a 4-5 man with no healers ... u can't make excuses .. you die and get gy farmed ... i dont die ...anyone can verify i never die only very very rarely.. so when i say many many times = about 5 times i saw u in the battle field ... it flatters me that you and epic got a huge joy on posting a pic with 1 cap on 1 cap lol .. i never rage quit in my life in this bracket even going agaisnt 10man holy crit premades.... i poop on the noobs i see sitting alone and re stealth to a 5man spriest with 5 pally heal premade.. what i want to see is the vid to my 4man whipe'n ironmans 10man (4+) ... but you remind me a lot like serenity/pizza/pantherx/hordelife .. but yet they quit cuz they can't handle the D. I see the huge boost in ur ego tho from that game. gg nuff said
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