If you were to rename the concept "twink" ...

Since the word "twink" has a rather negative meaning in WoW and IRL, I was wondering the following:

If you were to rename the concept "twink", how would you name it?

I would go for something like "tune". A fine-tuned character, a character who has lots of other stuff equipped just like in car tuning.
i would call them hairless blond fags

and tune sounds like toon. so fail.
Supbrah said:
only if you say it like a retard

I believe a "tune" also means a good song. "Oh that's such a tune!" Word's already taken? :(

Does sound like toon which is the general term for a character in wow, atleast if you don't really do effort in saying the 'u' in a different way than the 'oo'.
I'd use the term "bracketer". It sounds as weird as any other term, but actually somewhat describes what such a player does -- optimize for a specific bracket. But three syllables is a lot for a word to become a term for something.
invent a new word? (think think think... oh shute, what was that, mm, no doesent work... think think...)
Hamcake said:
tune =/= song as a song is usually comprised of multiple tunes

Homonym - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Knew I should've been more clear so the lesser beings wouldn't have to troll it.

Tunes are used to compose a song. What a surprise. The word "Tune" and using "Tune" as a 'slang' so per say are two different things. Such as "What a tune" means it's a good song, it doesn't literally mean it's a good note he hit there.

Twinks, when talking wow, means that it's a.. well bloody hell do I need to explain what a twink is on this forum? lols. It doesn't mean a gay sexual teenage or what ever it means out in the big real world.

Thereby, stating what I figured to be quite obvious (wasn't obvious enough for Hamcake so it would appear) is that we need a word, that possibly could already exist, but doesn't already have a 'slang' or an already existing meaning to it.

Need further explanation? If I do, you're just replying to troll and I'm not gonna get further into it.
id name us stingrz cause thats pretty badass
I'm not asking for other uses of the word "tune". I am well aware of them.

Feel free to post more proposals though :). Even troll ones if you feel like it \o/
Supbrah said:
only if you say it like a retard

really? what kind of a gay accent do you have if you pronounce tune differently than tune. clearly a homophone.
Metamorfos said:
I'm not asking for other uses of the word "tune". I am well aware of them.

Feel free to post more proposals though :). Even troll ones if you feel like it \o/

You can't post a "troll x", read my sig. the only things that can be trolls are humans. (inb4 some one makes a shitty remark about in game trolls.)

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