If you had the power.....

#1. Grouping. I know its a trial, but someone trying the game may think you cannot form groups, think how stupid that is, then not decide to P2P.

#2. Join Guilds. I don't see why someone would decide to pay $15 a month to join a guild. Thats what the level restriction is for.

#3. Remove Profession cap of 100. You'll max out at 225 anyways, so I'm not really seeing this as a selling point to buy the game.

I'm ok with the no mail, trading, chatting. Keeps gold sellers unable to exploit the F2P accounts. Only sending mail to your own account or ONLY receiving mail from Blizzard would be pretty cool.
There would be changes that would make things a lot more convenient, like buying from the AH and grouping.

However, part of the charm (at least for me) of F2P twinking is being self-reliant, and being e.g. able to buy from the AH would spoil that.

So I'd go with either:

-raise the gold cap to 25 (more bankspace);

or, numero uno,

- hotfix the ability to Lock a F2P's XP again.

Ways to improve the game in general I have already posted elsewhere.
i would say allow trials unlimited gold and let them buy stuff from the AH but blizz wont do this because gold farmers will take advantage. meh i would want the level cap to be increased to 24.
I'd remove the not being able to talk to 85s 'cuz it's the biggest problem they think we ignore them and shit.

THIS is what I would fix. I ran around trying to get some one to pair my son and I up and it was like I wasn't even there =(
Most of things we could get are untenable because of gold farmers. Things that we COULD get that would be nice would be mailing function in between our characters (with a 10g limit this would hardly help gold farmers), AH usage (again keeping the 10g limit) and/or being able to use /say with anyone. Other than that there are very few things I dislike about F2P. In fact, it's hilarious, because at first I was really unhappy that I couldn't comment on trade chat. Now? I just tune it out automatically. It's great how the brain works.

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