If you could have one spell or ability...

warlock- a fear that didn't break in 3 seconds from my dot ticks... or a fear that didnt break in .5 seconds from a hunter crit...whichever
id say chains of ice if it was possible to have frost runes some how

id say, death grip


o own trainer

hard to pick between warbringer or piercing howl for a talent

spellreflect for trained ability
Exploding Shot for hunter

Kidney Shot for Rogue

Blink for mages

Titansgrip for warriors

Crusader's Strike for pallies,

ild have to say tree form for lolheals druids.

Hunters would be beastial wrath,

rogues poisons.

mages blink.

warriors bladestorm or a intercept.

paladins would have to be divine storm

priests shadow form or something cool.
I would have to say that Pallys need exorsism. I use it on my 25 im leveling through the BG's to stun running hunters in cheetah. Works great.
Honest and Preferably Doable:

Warrior: Last Stand -or- Piercing Howl

Paladin: Flash of Light -or- BoK

Priest: Mind Control -or- Holy Nova

Mage: Blink

Warlock: Succubus

Rogue: Poisons

Druid: Cyclone

Hunter: take away Wing Clip and add Disengage -or- Viper Sting

Shaman: StormStrike
man tree form would be sweet...

for a rogue...man there are so many neat things, like mutilate, or cold blood, or any of the 51 point talents...

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