If you could have one spell or ability...

...on your twink, what would it be?

It can be a talent, or a spell that you learn from a trainer.

For me i think having kidney shot or even somthing fun like killing spree on my rogue would be cool. : ]
Rogue cheap shot, priest SW:Death or flash heal Shaman Stormstrike so that enh could be a decent spec.
I can't believe nobody has said this yet but Titains Grip. Glacial stone + Runic darkblade would be so hot!
ninedash said:
does it have to be from my own trainer?

if not deathgrip
Yea it has to be from your own trainer silly. :p
The ability to put the game back to the 2.0 patch for titles and the best times of my wsg life time.
Conrose said:
Not as hot as living bomb though... I would totally roll a 19 mage twink for living bomb.

just dot up an entire FC convoy and watch the priest dispells start a bonfire, nice!
Cant think of too many, just a few mage abilities that would even them out.

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