If you could have any item...


Wasting people's time with a pointless topic FTW.

If you could give any item in the game to your 19 twink and it would work regardless of any requirements, what would you give him? You would be the only person on the server that could do this (like opening AQ) so no one else would have the item but it would not be an exploit.

I could pick the highest DPS weapon, but that would sort of be boring. Overkill.

Personally, I would go with [ITEM]Gnomish Lightning Generator[/ITEM] on most of my twinks. The stat boost would be rediculous, an extra 28.36% chance to crit. But the on-use ability would be fun as hell. It's going to 1-shot my opponent, but will it 1-shot me, too? It'd be worth killing myself just for everyone in a pug to wonder why the EFC dropped the flag but no one is picking it up or returning it.

On my hunter (the only twink that can use 2hand sword), I'd probably go with [ITEM]Corrupted Ashbringer[/ITEM] just for the whispers and lore. lol @ health when using it.

How about you guys?
mmm now this is a fun topic.

And what would I choose.

For my rogue I would go with [Item]Talisman of Binding Shard[/item] for the cool glowing orb around me.


But for my soon to be lvl 19 cc mage my choice would be [item]Spark of Hope[/item] :) now who needs mana when your spells are like free of charge and you got a mana regen higher then anyone else because of the spirit.
I wish casters could get some weapon at 19 that would take BC chants, might even the playing field a bit against melee twinks.
idk, sumthing to give a lot of stamina, 75% armor reduction, 100% block, and sum block rating to block like 500+ dmg per attack to just tank thru 100% debuff lolol
Coolzo said:

Also, who doesn't want a huge, smokey fishing pole?

Protip: Never use any variation of the word "smoke" in the same sentence as "pole" unless you like being ripped on.
I would go with that one GM tabard that wipes anything withing 10 yards. Can't believe the dumb f*cks who had that didn't keep a low profile.
[item]Enti's Quenched Sword[/item]

oh wait..
Actually.. AQ Battle tank. It's still insta cast right? Probably not... Would be pretty sick at 19 though. If not that then I'd just want the turtle mount. Screw speed buffs. GO TURTLE GO!
[item]Chromatically Tempered Sword[/item]

For the epic look.

[item]Dragonbreath Hand Cannon[/item]

Nothing's better than a handheld dragon spitting bullets huh?, well yeah I guess fire's better...

Weps from BWL always turned me on, somehow..:eek:
[ITEM]Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings[/ITEM]

on my druid. Just because of the awsome bubble it makes when you heal xD

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