If you could have any 80 as your new main..

in PVE, you are better as ELE though, but i couldn'T agree more on PVP. ENH seems a very viable solution when it comes to hitting and being able to survive.

Elocon, not everyone liks to heal.

as they say, once in the wheel its way too hard to come out of there even with dual spec.
Diiesel said:
Which would you choose?

I currently have a Rogue but have been thinking about leveling something new. I have a couple characters sitting in the 50's range including a 55 Hunter and a 59 Warrior, but also am not sure if I really want either as my new main toon.

I am looking for something that can be put to use in PVP and also can put up a HIGH DPS in raids.

Go go go ideas!!

I be pimpin it up with a Holy Paly, but I have a 63 rogue sitting around that I wanna level.

If I was you I would try out I warrior
If you want top DPS meters in PvE roll a Mage or Hunter!

But as seeing you picked hunter nice pick D:
Canterbury said:
If you want top DPS meters in PvE roll a Mage or Hunter!

But as seeing you picked hunter nice pick D:

rogues easily top the dps charts. if you needed to reroll to top the meters i suggest you evaluate your main char first. i havent seen a hunter or mage top the meters in a while come to think of it.
that was a pro warrior. and i love your sig cuz that midget was on entourage, what movie is that from?
Prot warriors really have what it takes... too bad people are too focused on what a spec is supposed to be to even try them.

aka, holy = healing only

while that is true for the most part, when you look at the holy tree of a pally or a priest you easily notice the many talents in there made specifically for burst damage, exemple the instant cast no mana used smite after crit.

im sure and that warrior in the video prooved it, there is more to a paladins or warrior prot spec then meet the eyes. they are bound to be specced for survival and damage, not just tanking.
most ppl know you can do dps as a holy priest. but its not ideal.

same for pallys. holy used to be a novel burst spec in BC, but its just not that great compared to a real dps spec. i mean all you do is pop wings and trinkets for a judge + holy shock (and now exo) and hope they all crit. if you dont 1 shot ur opponent it can get sticky. priests are a little better off imo but id rather be shadow
falkor, i completely agree, i was just saying that people tend to think of certain spec as way too definitves.

exemple, when me and my friend was leveling our DK after the start of WOTLK, he was going full unholy with 20 points in blood, as everyone was telling him to. but i had gone with a hybrid that most, if not everyone was skipping thru. going unholy for my perm ghoul. then going blood for the rest of the things including heart strike which was just better then any other strikes.

my friend was telling me i was too much about survival then dps. yet everytimes we did a dungeon with the same gears and all, i was DPSing a hell of a lot more then him, like 200 more DPS then him. and on that sometimes i'd lose only 50 dps to heal the whole group for 10% of their lives, making things easier on the healers which actually liked me better then him.

in the end, we promoted my spec and before the talent tree changed, many of the DKs i knew of actually changed and specced like me. my spec was 44/27 and it is still it, with me still toping dps against many people more geared then me. i could seriously take different routes, and switch a few survivng talents into a bit more dps by replacing some of my points which i did a few weeks ago. but basically that spec is just perfect.

the reality is that none of the 51 talent point is worth it on a DK. except for howling blast in frost, but only if you are a tank. thats what i ended up with by trying blood and unholy. i've never been frost yet though, i should try it at one point.
If I would choose a new main over my death knight it would be my shadow priest. Most fun ranged class to play in my opinion, and with the new buffs they are doing really good.
Doffe said:
If I would choose a new main over my death knight it would be my shadow priest. Most fun ranged class to play in my opinion, and with the new buffs they are doing really good.

I can say from experience that they are very very balanced in pvp as far as healing/cc/damage/deterrence etc... Not to mention tons of fun to play too. More instant damage spells than an afflic lock, so that's a buffer too, it's hard to say who would win 1v1
thats the problem, DK can eat every caster class easily.

except if they actually know how to play and at that only 2 classes i know can win against my DK... Hunters BM i have trouble with cause they can't be CCed if played well. but then again if anything goes bad i hit their pet to stay alive with death strike. Druids Boomkin, if well played i cannot CC either and will simply range me to death.

besides those, i eat mages like there is no tomorrow, i eat priest the same way, shamans have it a bit hard for me, but i do eat them away. i'm not even PVP geared yet. DK are abusive, for they got healing abilities, as well as many CC for every god damn class. and they got the dsamage dealers pretty high. like paladins, DK are way too strong.

but instead of nerfing the DK class, i'be boosting the other classes like they did for the last patches or so.
I'll stay with my pally.
Kinali said:
I can say from experience that they are very very balanced in pvp as far as healing/cc/damage/deterrence etc... Not to mention tons of fun to play too. More instant damage spells than an afflic lock, so that's a buffer too, it's hard to say who would win 1v1

I have both classes at 80, so yeah I know :)

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