If you could have 1 ability from another class

Fear. Druid would be so OP then . Imagine the possibilities while FCing: bear form when 3-4 are on you, fear them, selfhealing, running around the base, rinse and repeat.
cmon no1 thought of that?

I'm hoping Symbiosis-like abilities make it into the game more. Would also like to see some Chrono-trigger style combos, like perhaps on a monk. A warrior charges at an opponent, and triggers a 1.5 second window for a combo move monks have with a warrior's charge..

Back on topic though... prowl with an ele sham in ghost wolf. Mwahaha... or charge.. O.O
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probably another dot for my lock.... sw pain, moonfire, sunfire any of those. Damn bal droods are better dotters than locks ffs :/

they terk er jerbs!
I want AoE drain life but for Dominate Mind instead. Everyone's gonna end up at the bottom of the cliff anyway, so why not all at once?
The ability to tame a pet like hunters for pvp would be fun. HOJ for rogues would be sick. Instant roots for druid (hoj, scatter, sap, fear r instantaneous)

Bear Hug or Bear's Wild Charge are instant-roots/stuns ;)

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