If You Could Go Back To Any Patch / Expansion...

The days of Painaid. Always wish I could have those defensive cds there were then, but now. Also, wishing I wasn't a scrub when rogues had shadowstep and sprint. Dunno what patch, but if only!
cata patch 4.anything
Excuse me for highlighting an issue we had ages ago, but your clearly using wep chain here xD
I really don't see when i'm using a wep chain on this video, the only moment that is not in black and white both weps are clearly green, rest of the time you couldn't see if i used it or not (and i didn't :p), what moment are you talking about?
why go back when this patch is so bad u dont waste ur time on this wasteland of a game
Which would it be and why?

I would go back to the times when there were Warsong Gulch's listed by number and you could select which game you could que into. (I want to say this was close to the release of Wrath?) The nostalgic part of me will argue pre-BC and BC were my favorite eras because twinks were the best then, but I enjoyed the game a lot in Wrath when I started getting into PVP on my main.
70 was a load of fun in Cata with instant queues. 29's were most fun for me in vanilla, and 49 twink holy paladin in early wrath rounds out my top 3.
back in mid-late TBC/Wrath. the glory days for me really thats when i made most of the friends i have today lol
BC , WoTLK and the beginning of cata because warriors weren't gimped and were actually OP at a few points in that timeline. The community was also thriving and games were really awesome. /nostalgia

Oh yeah and I'm playing Hearthstone now that game is incredibly awesome, Kudos to Blizzard on staying relevant.

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