Fury Warriors should get a damage increase.
Taunt for all warrior specs should make it so their target automatically targets the warrior (However the enemy can change targets back).
Lower rogue damage to 500s instead of 1000s but give them their cata utility
Enhancement Shamans need a damage buff
Affliction Warlocks need a damage buff
Hunters need a bubble, flash of light, 200% damage increase, soulstones, lay on hands, travel form, and all damage to an enemy heals the hunter by 200 health. Also, pets needs a 300% damage increase and pets should be able to automatically heal themselves or the hunter if they notice the hunter's health is low. Also, hunters get a second dance called /dance2 that's very erotic and has nudity.
Hunter jokes are pretty much over played.
What exactly would you buff when it comes to Enhancement Shamans and Fury Warriors? What would you nerf for rogues in exchange for utility? We're interested!