If you could choose a f2p team mate of any spec/class


Hey all, been away from wow for 2 years or so now but had a look through the stickies and looks like an interesting time to come back, going to reroll and wanted some opinions on the team mate you’d most likely want on your team if they’re f2p? Want to be as useful as possible and warm the hearts of my fellow bgers when they see me, even though I’ll only be f2ping for the foreseeable future. Missed you all, much love;
Noise (just in case anyone from the old days remembers me x)
I play arms warrior and while a holy paladin is super nice to have if I gotta pick one I would pick ret pally everytime
Sweet, does ret still have great utility like off heals and long stuns? Just curious as to why you’d rather see a ret than say a healer or something
good off heals and they ave a stun where i as warrior do not at lvl 20, but damage is the main reason, arms and a ret working together is very dangerous and a bonus is it looks cool imo 2 plate wearers with 2 handers, but that a biased opinion
If you are willing to spend few weeks to gear up and to make some consumables stock then you good to go with any class (ofc some are better than others, especially after rerolling to get specific items, but this is already a meta related question). Luckily for f2p players their main obstacle now is simply time.
Very simple. Go surv hunter and get Bramble staff. That will warm everyone's heart and they will love you. :KEKW: I have experience.
I made a prophetic artwork..
what class is this again????
[doublepost=1630995270,1630994942][/doublepost]I could go ret, is it possible for a f2p to gear three specs? prot seems like a nuisance and sorta supporty. And I mean from what I’ve read holy is really doing well for healing output at the moment..


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I’m glad I could be entertaining to you friendo
I’m glad I could be entertaining to you friendo
I’m glad I could be entertaining to you friendo
I’m glad I could be entertaining to you friendo

5th birthday Rolex type class?
[doublepost=1630997434][/doublepost]Can I still bind all of my keyboard to air missiles and win?
[doublepost=1630997467][/doublepost]Arc oops, brain cells decided to fall out of my face as I typed that

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