IDK about you guys...

Phoetidtwo said:
Why doesnt anyone QQ about hunters that follow you all the way across mid field just to kill you? Mostly Horde


A: its what you do when people run away, or

B: they only kill you because your easy, or did something to make them angry.

Seriously its a huge piss off when no one on alliance side will go after the EFC because Davidrainman is leading the midfield farmers union. Your going to stop people from queueing, or escalate things to the point where it is uncomfortable for anyone to want to play.

I.E. you bring a knife I bring a gun etc. etc.
pilgrim said:

A: its what you do when people run away, or

B: they only kill you because your easy, or did something to make them angry.

Seriously its a huge piss off when no one on alliance side will go after the EFC because Davidrainman is leading the midfield farmers union. Your going to stop people from queueing, or escalate things to the point where it is uncomfortable for anyone to want to play.

I.E. you bring a knife I bring a gun etc. etc.

Yeah honestly. Who wants to queue up to see the same old HURR DURR LUK AT MAH HKS EVN NAME MAH GILD MID FAMRER bullshit. Seriously, it puts me to sleep, find a new gimmick.
More baddies that have been playing the bracket longer thus feeling they are better due to veteran status rather then game play? like i said before, 1 hunter pewpewpew your gy and you cant stop him? that would just about make me want to... pffftlol nerd on forums too since i lack it in game. I'm sorry but you haven't proved anything to him, or us yet. But hey dont let the guild tag fool you, we will kill you in our flag room, to midfield, to your flagroom, then to your graveyard. when you can stop the hurt you won't have anything left to QQ about. I do hope less people que now, can't stand the n3rd rage. No hard feelings I love you all, cheers for daviddraiman, the one man that takes on 10 horde and wins, hip hip, pffftlol.
Daviddraiman said:
Moar please. My Epeen is getting Huuuuuge!

can i touch ur epeen?
Daviddraiman said:
Moar please. My Epeen is getting Huuuuuge!

Someone's begging for a forums ban. Also, ignore noobs, with feeding them, you won't keep them away.

Sorry to say, Daviddraiman, but first of all, you're not a twink. Second, you're nothing but annoying, in 2 weeks, everyone will have forgotten about you. 3rd, you're just another forum troll, making his lack of skill up with some mindless flaming. /bye and die :]
MetalIllness said:
Someone's begging for a forums ban. Also, ignore noobs, with feeding them, you won't keep them away.

Sorry to say, Daviddraiman, but first of all, you're not a twink. Second, you're nothing but annoying, in 2 weeks, everyone will have forgotten about you. 3rd, you're just another forum troll, making his lack of skill up with some mindless flaming. /bye and die :]

How is i no twink? i dun understant. i has fishing hat and i gots lots of hp. why is i not a twink? r u a twink? Look, in all reality, most of my haters are just pissed that I've killed your toon in a bg. Whether it be in the Alliance flag room, Horde flag room, or Midfield. That makes me a farmer, i guess. I flag carry when we don't have a good flag carrier. I defend the alliance flag room when needed. I try to play smart and win the game. I throw bandages to teammates if needed. I have farmed the graveyard before. Who the hell hasn't? It just so happens that I usually top damage charts or win in killing blows. You recognize my name and then bring your anger to forums. My haters are gonna hate. Not saying I'm better than you or anything. You're all just a bit worse than me. <3 - LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY EPEEN!
Daviddraiman said:
How is i no twink? i dun understant. i has fishing hat and i gots lots of hp. why is i not a twink? r u a twink? Look, in all reality, most of my haters are just pissed that I've killed your toon in a bg. Whether it be in the Alliance flag room, Horde flag room, or Midfield. That makes me a farmer, i guess. I flag carry when we don't have a good flag carrier. I defend the alliance flag room when needed. I try to play smart and win the game. I throw bandages to teammates if needed. I have farmed the graveyard before. Who the hell hasn't? It just so happens that I usually top damage charts or win in killing blows. You recognize my name and then bring your anger to forums. My haters are gonna hate. Not saying I'm better than you or anything. You're all just a bit worse than me. <3 - LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY EPEEN!

This, get over yourselves..and say you want to come xfer over yet you bash the guild on forums
pilgrim said:

A: its what you do when people run away, or

B: they only kill you because your easy, or did something to make them angry.

Seriously its a huge piss off when no one on alliance side will go after the EFC because Davidrainman is leading the midfield farmers union. Your going to stop people from queueing, or escalate things to the point where it is uncomfortable for anyone to want to play.

I.E. you bring a knife I bring a gun etc. etc.

LMAO so you say david doesnt play objectively, but you think chasing people who run from you is a good idea? And Clearly you havent been in many wsgs with him
Phoetidtwo said:
LMAO so you say david doesnt play objectively, but you think chasing people who run from you is a good idea? And Clearly you havent been in many wsgs with him

Shiiiit man really? Telling me that killing someone who runs away from you is a bad idea? LOL your way too bad to be judging me...

I have been the only member of my team trying to get our flag back, while I watch frustrated at the people camped below horde GY. Lead by none other then Huntard #1. Its not about how good he is or bad, its about the choice to win matches or kill things to get more honor, or HKs or whatever it is that he is doing during stalemates.

I dont care if he is good at killing, props to him, but what I cant stand is farming people on an easy as hell class to play and not trying to play objectively at all. Hopefully the horde will wise up and just camp him out for a few days, shouldn't be that hard to do...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a cure for this horrible disease that these scrubs are bringing to the 19 bracket! And I shall tell everyone in nice big bulky letters that signify how I feel about this post.

Join the 70s bracket and you'll never qq about scrubs ever again.

Nuff Said.
Nuff Said.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mrcer']Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a cure for this horrible disease that these scrubs are bringing to the 19 bracket! And I shall tell everyone in nice big bulky letters that signify how I feel about this post.

Join the 70s bracket and you'll never qq about scrubs ever again.

you haven't seen the battleground forums have you?
Mrcer said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a cure for this horrible disease that these scrubs are bringing to the 19 bracket! And I shall tell everyone in nice big bulky letters that signify how I feel about this post.

Join the 70s bracket and you'll never qq about scrubs ever again.

Nuff Said.

you haven't seen the battleground forums have you? and lol at you playing 70s. 10 keybinds is too hard for you apparently.
10..? I dont even use keybinds when i heal brah. Go troll somewhere else.
I use addons and macros for all my healing. I don't click or keybind.
pilgrim said:
Shiiiit man really? Telling me that killing someone who runs away from you is a bad idea? LOL your way too bad to be judging me...

I have been the only member of my team trying to get our flag back, while I watch frustrated at the people camped below horde GY. Lead by none other then Huntard #1. Its not about how good he is or bad, its about the choice to win matches or kill things to get more honor, or HKs or whatever it is that he is doing during stalemates.

I dont care if he is good at killing, props to him, but what I cant stand is farming people on an easy as hell class to play and not trying to play objectively at all. Hopefully the horde will wise up and just camp him out for a few days, shouldn't be that hard to do...

So you're saying that if you're about to kill me, and i lap the whole field 3 times you're gonna keep chasing me until im dead?

Still haven't seen any improvement on this forum's arguement from the "majority" Minority is outclassing and outplaying the Majority, winning matches, causing the other side to rage. It's what we've trained for and strive for. And all you can do is bicker rather then congradulate, c'mon shake the man's hand... no?

How about this, we will just win half of the matches, and we will lose the other half? I guess that is the best solution till some of these ill just call them normies... till some of these normies leave. ( get your arena master on ;) )

" Well we're movin on up,

To the east side.

To a deluxe apartment in the sky.

Movin on up,

To the east side.

We finally got a piece of the pie."

P.S. why all this talk about bans? All-of-a-sudden there is competition and they cant put out the fire? We will just stop playing so you can go back to winning? man-o-man this QQ-fest is getting old.

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