IDEA for replacing Heirlooms


What I personally think is that heirlooms should not be twinks gear, heirlooms are designed to help leveling and they should stay there. So my personal opinion is that all PvP brackets should have a piece of equipment available to every class and spec that is better than a corresponding heirloom. These by all means should be easily attainable, but they should exists. Some through long quest chains, some as rare zone drops, some as rare BoP boss/rare drops, some repuation rewards, some satchel drops. So levelers could still obtain them if they were lucky and could use them if they wish instead of the heirloom for a few levels, but it would be twinks that would go and grind or spend their gold to obtain them.
Heirlooms are boring for twinking.
Or what is your opinion?
Sounds like a fun idea, but it's really too much effort for Blizzard to implement just so that everyone can get heirlooms, especially now that they are ridiculously easily earned :p

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