I will be playing this feral. Don't Complain. Thanks in advance


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I will be playing this feral druid tonight in the games. I am running a full set of enchanted BoA gear, with no bracers, gloves, belt, boots, or rings. This seems to be a decently balanced set, and I will see how it plays in games.

Please don't rage at me, QQ incessantly, or vote-kick me from games. I am not playing feral to be an OP scumlordx (hence the lack of gear :D ), I am playing feral because I enjoy the playstyle, and I think that it will be more fun if I am not 1-shotting people left and right. I thank you in advance for your acceptance of my new project, and I look forward to seeing you tinkers in the gulch :D


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You are playing it to get attention and nothing more, hence this thread, pathetic really
That isn't true at all! I mean you can accuse me of anything you want to, but I know what I am thinking and what my motives are for doing something. I had a toon at 29 that was useless, I wanted to try feral at 39, but I wanted to try it in a manner that was not broken as fuck. Please do not make assumptions about someone's opinion, when you are not inside the head of that person :D
Because you like the play style? Feral is basically a rogue with only cheapshot and eviscerate. What do you even do if FB doesnt kill your target? Runaway or die?
It is a mobile rogue. That can off-heal. And it's not a rogue.

edit: That is the point. I don't want my bite 1shotting people.
I might as well play feral too then.

I won't use ferocious bite, is that cool guys?
So this the reason you've been rabidly defending "a twinks right to choose".

Absolutely pathetic. We're going to need Alliance in TeamSpeak to kick this special snowflake. If that fails, I will personally be on Feral Follow duty tonight. I will be in communication with Horde TeamSpeak, identifying his stealthed location.
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So this the reason you've been rabidly defending "a twinks right to choose".

Absolutely pathetic. We're going to need Alliance in TeamSpeak to kick this special snowflake.

No, but it is a great example of it.
Who are you to tell me that I don't have the right to play a project of mine in a pick up game? Like [MENTION=3042]Donteventrii[/MENTION] please...
The fact that you instantly try to convince others to vote-kick me from games, just shows how ignorant and toxic you are being right now :p
But yes, I think that banning things in pugs is silly. That is my opinion, and I am allowed to have it :D
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So toxic lmao, rip the hopes n dreams of certain community members showing acceptance and respect for something that is a little bit outside of the box.

Playing a half naked Feral is not going to help the alliance who need strong beefy melee DPS behind a competent player. Not to mention feral has been officially banned.

I have to ask... Why not just Q 19 or 20-29 to play the class you love? Seems like you are going out of your way to bring attention to yourself.
Who are we? Who are you!
You mention a "right to play your project". Pug or Wargame, this 39 revival is OUR project. We do not need you here subverting OUR PROJECT. If you would like to play your project, go world PvP or remake on EU.
Playing a half naked Feral is not going to help the alliance who need strong beefy melee DPS behind a competent player. Not to mention feral has been officially banned.

I have to ask... Why not just Q 19 or 20-29 to play the class you love? Seems like you are going out of your way to bring attention to yourself.
Personal shots, calling me incompetent, your maturity level is very high :D
IDC if feral is banned, it is banned because it does a lot of damage.
Will I be doing insane, 1-shot damage? I didn't think so.
20-29 is a joke and will be one forever, and 10-19 is fun to some extent, but I'd rather play 39s than 19s atm.
Says "I'm playing a banned spec and there's nothing you can do about it" and then talks about toxicity and respect xD
Who are we? Who are you!
You mention a "right to play your project". Pug or Wargame, this 39 revival is OUR project. We do not need you here subverting OUR PROJECT. If you would like to play your project, go world PvP or remake on EU.

Toxic yet again. Damn, you must be a very accepting and understanding person irl. RIP.
How is it out of the box when feral is too strong and over represented at every bracket?

: \
It isn't overrepresented at 39, because there are none.
Also, I am not broken nor OP, as I have gimped myself to a level that I believe to be on par with the rest of the dps in the bracket.

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