I recently came back to wow, and noticed twinking is still alive. I used to love twinking and probably had about 15 or more twinks over my wow career. Now that I'm back I want to twink again. So I have a few questions:
1. Is the 29 bracket alive and playable?
2. Are there any guild v guild premades?
3. Are any 29 guilds funding?
4. I noticed a few names I recognized like tapout, livingforce, and some others I wonder if anyone remembers me. Though my name wasn't whudafxup.
Would love to hear some feedback and hopefully rejoin the scene.
1. Is the 29 bracket alive and playable?
2. Are there any guild v guild premades?
3. Are any 29 guilds funding?
4. I noticed a few names I recognized like tapout, livingforce, and some others I wonder if anyone remembers me. Though my name wasn't whudafxup.
Would love to hear some feedback and hopefully rejoin the scene.