I played a couple 15-19 XP OFF WSG Last Night

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The last time I played a few games in this bracket, it was less than fun. 2 teams meeting mid and fighting back and forth from GY to GY depending on the push... ya, not really a game IMO.

Last night, same thing... Except that it wasn't quite even and my team ended up pushed into our GY most of the games.

My opinion is based on 3 games and the reason it was awful had nothing to do with the team I was on being dominated by 5 healers and 5 ranged DPS. It is basically the style of play.

Congrats 19 bracket on getting pops, but y'all can have that boring play all to yourselves.

I realize my opinion is meaningless, but considering I played this bracket since Vanilla, I'd love to have seen it get better. I had high hopes based on recent conversations.
I can tell you that it all depends on when you are queuing, off peak times can be pretty good games, Rarely ever though does a game go to Old School in Base FCing
I can tell you that it all depends on when you are queuing, off peak times can be pretty good games, Rarely ever though does a game go to Old School in Base FCing

That's unfortunate. :)

Eh, if you don't like the meta, then don't play it.

I stated that.. I don't like it, I will continue to not play it. I had a few people tell me 19s were better than they used to be... I made a new 19, complete with AGM just to test it out. I don't like it, so I won't play it. Simple as that.

I think this post by Agonist sums it up and had I read it earlier, I might have stayed away and not wasted the time making this new 19.

If you don't like this form of strategy then 19s isn't for you. It will not change. No matter how much you complain. no matter how much you whine, heck even if you form a committee, containment will not stop in this bracket.

Adapt or Leave

/Argument closed

Well said.
On another note, what fun is it clashing 10v10 mid? Can anyone explain to me why this is considered fun to some?

Same with GY camping/containment/whatever... How is that even fun? I got into some games on 24s where our team camped GY... I tried it... it's not even fun. I normally go hang out mid and let rogues try to gank my 24 instead.

Camping is not fun.
I realize my opinion is meaningless, but considering I played this bracket since Vanilla, I'd love to have seen it get better. I had high hopes based on recent conversations.

I play this since Vanilla and I don't find it that awful.
I don't understand why you keep quitting for a few months before returning for a few days to tell everyone how awful the bracket is
I don't understand why you keep quitting for a few months before returning for a few days to tell everyone how awful the bracket is

I could throw down a wall of text to explain and most still wouldn't understand.
Heheee... I've been in the normal world forever, that's why most twinks dislike me. :) My carebear attitude has been a bane for me forever.

Carebears are a dying breed in Twinks I think....we have our shining moments though
Same thread keeps popping up every 6 months. Makes me want to vomit. Roll a 39 if you are looking for an O and D split. We get those. You are like the little kid who keeps touching the stove after he has burned himself. Roll Tide.

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Can someone delete these threads? A thread speaking against the activity of the bracket surely doesn't belong in the bracket's section, does it?
i get where he is coming from i come back every once in awhile to see if i can have fun in the bracket if i see premade/ gy camping its a instant no fun and i quit for a few months
I realize my opinion is meaningless, but considering I played this bracket since Vanilla, I'd love to have seen it get better. I had high hopes based on recent conversations.

sorry games werent better for u bro but you are right, no one gives a fuck about your opinion, as 19 bgs are still better than every other brackets bgs
you know how many times over the last year 19s EU and US have had to be revived? and all the cool kids can say is leave if you dont like it. newsflash, people have been steadily leaving since WotLK you f**king geniuses....
Same thread keeps popping up every 6 months. Makes me want to vomit. Roll a 39 if you are looking for an O and D split. We get those. You are like the little kid who keeps touching the stove after he has burned himself. Roll Tide.

Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk

You're right. I don't learn. I just keep hoping that it gets better. I hate that the bracket I once loved had turned into what it is today.

I guess I could modernize I've of my 39s.
Can someone delete these threads? A thread speaking against the activity of the bracket surely doesn't belong in the bracket's section, does it?

Like anyone reading this thread is going to make their choice based on my opinion of the bracket. LOL
you know how many times over the last year 19s eu and us have had to be revived? And all the cool kids can say is leave if you dont like it. Newsflash, people have been steadily leaving since wotlk you f**king geniuses....

no u r wrong activity is gut player base drops from thousands to tens fk u man!!!!!!!!!!!
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