I need -YOUR- 39 armory.


thats the warlock, i usually play when horde isnt queing many twinks....its far from perfect..


hunter, some people dont care for the build but meh its my favorite twink:D
Some twinks of note from my BG:

The World of Warcraft Armory - nelf hunter. Not quite perfect gear, but his mad skill makes up for that. Hate his guts :D

The World of Warcraft Armory - dorf hunter. Same as Aramyl; not perfect gear but skilled.

The World of Warcraft Armory - firespecced FC mage. Takes 2 hunters or hunter + rogue to stop her.

The World of Warcraft Armory - discipline priest.

The World of Warcraft Armory - another discipline priest.

The World of Warcraft Armory - prot specced healer paladin

The World of Warcraft Armory - prot specced FC paladin.

The World of Warcraft Armory - warlock. Arguebly one of the best players in the BG.

The World of Warcraft Armory - very good rogue.

That's me. Also look at Phem, Aetix, Letters, Philthetank, Jeffydood, Masakar, Heofonum, Bjorkman, Happey, or any of the other 39s in guild really (DEA uses pots).

I use an 8/14/8 build, usually around 250 sp and 3k hp. Its an amazing build vs melee and since I have so much mitigation I FC a bit when Phil or another FC isn't available. Fel hunter and Soul link glyphs of course. If you want to see a nicely done affliction lock look at DotJungjm on dalaran.

I still need my BtA shoulders and mace(Using reve eagle 8/9 shoulders and the SM mace), reve eagle bracers (using reve int bracers), the quest necklace (using the darkmoon one) and an AGM.

I'm logged out in the gear I use to healbot our FC.
The only thing id note if you look at my armory in the guild I posted earlier...is that Ive got a TON more gear options that I swap on a pretty regular basis depending on what is going on...Also my talent spec changes a few points depending on if im solo q'ing, doing a premade or q'ing arenas...

just things to keep in mind about a lot of these people..
Me - [char=Draka]Shirk[/char]

Armory is messing up for me atm, will check back later and give you a few more links.

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