I just got pummled by about three level 3-4 warlocks.

And I doubt that's acceptable as a PvPer level one twink, you know? I'm kinda bummed about it and would like advice.

Is it a gear thing? Or is it just me?

How do I deal with kiting?

Anything wrong with my gear?

Mind you, I'm very new to level1 twinking.

Thanks for the help. :D


Head - none

neck - none

back - Linen Cloak +3 agility

shoulder - Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders

chest - Haliscan Jacket +150 HP

bracers - Dirty Leather +7 STRENGTH

weapons - Battleworn Thrash Blade +Crusader, Fine Scimitar +15 agility, Cadet's Bow

belt - Squealer's Belt

legs - Tuxedo Pants +40 armor

boots - Dirty Leather +7 agility

trinkets - none
Stabbedurazz said:
ur first problem is that you cant have 7 agility to bracers.

This. And IMO 9 stamina should always be used unless your using 5 dodge for 100% dodge (which I don't believe is possible. as the most i can get with halloween buffs is 92. But I only have 7 agi to gloves and 3 agi to cloak so who knows?) or 7 str if you wont be hit.
the problem is that agility and dodge are worthless against casters...go stamina the whole way (maybe run speed on feet since they're casters).

it's not probably so much a question of gear as it is tactics ... casters you have to LoS or they'll eat you up

edit: and crusader is fail ... lifestealing for pvp all the way

edits: locks just suck ... dots are the rogues worst enemy
Crusader= fail. and fri lol max dodge is `91% unbuffed, and 100% with halloween candy. just use common sense really. casters hit you no matter what so dont stack agility or dodge unless its the only option. So use health > haste > hit > agility > strength.
Against casters you can also use resist enchants to cloak, like +15 fire resist or +5 resistance to all if you want an alround PvP cloak against casters. There's also a +10 shadow resist and a +15 nature resist - neither have item level requirements. Also I'd strongly recommend using a Discombulator Ray that will lower targets spellpower (and melee damage) by 40 and reduce movement speed by 20% for 12 seconds. Having maxed herbalism for Lifeblood and Arena Grand Master trinket(s) is also a huge lifesaver.
And get the engineer made voice amplification modulator for your neck slot, it's BiS for all, and another uncommon item lvl 1s can use. For vs'ing casters I switch to 5 resil cape, L-stealing mh, agility battle worn oh, minor speed to boots, and on my warr I switch from shield to furbolg pouch. In my experience, poping lifeblood to get that insane haste will down anything under lvl5 Really quick anyway. Good luck man.
Against casters you must have minor speed on boots, it makes THE difference in my experience .... and get some resist chants for your cloaks, think you can get fire and frost but not nature.

(not played new patch btw)
Surely 5resist all would be the only resist enchant you would ever need

Unless its changed, or is different for very low levels, the formula for resistance for a level 1 would be ((ResistRating+5)/5-1)*100= ResistanceChance

Your resistance rating is 5 (+5 all) so ((5+5)/5-1)*100 = 100% resist chance.

I am aware that you cant get over 75% or something, but i see no point is getting the individual cloak enchants when +5all will do the job.
Detroit said:
Against casters you must have minor speed on boots, it makes THE difference in my experience .... and get some resist chants for your cloaks, think you can get fire and frost but not nature.

Yes, you can get +15 nature resist. For enchanters this is from Kania, the enchanting supplies npc in Silithus - requires Honored rep with Cenarion. The +15 fire resist is from the same npc, but only requires friendly.

Edit: Thanks Kore - haven't looked into the numbers - very helpful :)

+5 to resist all is taught by any enchanting trainer btw.
that's not how i've ever figured resist kore ... we had to go through all this when we were working on Sind:HM ... resist is a sliding scale where 75% avg resist gets you to a point where you'll more likely resist 75% but have a chance to resist 0% but also 100%

however, stacking resist above that number is like stacking armor .. the more you stack, the less dmg you take when you don't resist

your combat table against a caster looks like this: HIT then RESIST PERCENTAGE then ABSORB

getting to 75% caps your resist%, but stacking above that helps how much dmg you take per hit. Anyone level 20 and lower is figured on the same table so we all need 100 resist to hit 75%


1. Caster rolls a hit on a spell

2. Your avg resist rolls 50%

3. Their 100 dmg spell hits you for 50

4. Your resist (15 or 5 in this case) is put into the formula to see how much of that 50 dmg you actually absorb/take
well, i'm not sure you can cap it at lvl1 ... so go with as much as you can tailored to the person you're fighting

druids - nature

locks - fire

spriests - shadow

all others - +5
chubs said:
well, i'm not sure you can cap it at lvl1 ... so go with as much as you can tailored to the person you're fighting

druids - nature

locks - fire

spriests - shadow

all others - +5

Sounds great - thanks :)

Think I'll go with +5 to all for now myself, and get the rest when I've farmed some more Whispy Cloaks.

Got one with dodge and another with agility for now.
and it's possible i'm wrong and +5 is all you need :)
i find 15 resilience on chest too be pure awesome. 36% dmg reduction will make it very hard for a lvl 4 lock to kill you, if you use rumsey and 9stam on bracers to get some hp. i only use 5resist to all cuz some druids moonfire kite you and then nature will be useless, priests usually use both holy and shadow dmg and locks use shadow or fire depending on spec unless they try to dot kite you. using 15/10 resist seems like a gamble to me and my advise is to keep it for pve.

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