I have a solution!

If it's so fun make one homie. Am I the only one in the entire bracket having fun lol?

/flex on foolz
I love solo queuing, when I do premades I last 1-2 games then I leave cause THAT is not fun to do. I don't see how face rolling with premades are fun, even if u are a fc. Solo queueing as FC gets u better imo, bc u actally have to play and can't get carried so easily.
I heard if you say gucciglad three times in the mirror, the mirror flexes on you and takes your lunch money.
A lot of twinks aren't about that life though. Especially considering the premade scene is strong for both sides. And when some try to, they just afk after the enemy's team first cap, but that ain't none of my business.

The real sad part about the first flag cap rage quitters is... The game is still really tied. The second cap is what wins the game, not the first.

Solo Queuing as a healer is about as much fun as a gun to your head. but i do see it from your point of view as a BM ( yes i have one to ) team or no team... it really don't matter you will have fun as a BM


That is all I do is solo as heal. Quite rewarding to help others actually.

Solo queuing rogue is fun
I solo queue all the time tho. My friends only come on in the afternoon so when they are on we group queue

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