I have a question regarding 49 BG queuing.

Someone had necro'd my thread "A list of dedicated 49 twinks" from a long while back on the Ruin battlegroup forum.

I re-updated the original post and posted the update on the last page as well to make clear that it is no longer a work in progress and now a living success. One of the parts I wrote was:



Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9:00 PM Eastern.

Queue WSG and AB. Take AB as priority over WSG.

Otherwise, take Warsong Gulch until AB pops.


Now I may just be having a brain fart here lol, but if you queue WSG and AB at the same time, if everyone is in a WSG, will the AB queue proc if you have enough queue'd?
Pukethirst said:
Someone had necro'd my thread "A list of dedicated 49 twinks" from a long while back on the Ruin battlegroup forum.

I re-updated the original post and posted the update on the last page as well to make clear that it is no longer a work in progress and now a living success. One of the parts I wrote was:



Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9:00 PM Eastern.

Queue WSG and AB. Take AB as priority over WSG.

Otherwise, take Warsong Gulch until AB pops.


Now I may just be having a brain fart here lol, but if you queue WSG and AB at the same time, if everyone is in a WSG, will the AB queue proc if you have enough queue'd?

Im really sure they didnt block an ab popping if you were enough for it. But remember you have to be 15 + 15 to get an AB popp now
Absolutely, and this actually led to trouble for 49s a couple of months ago. AB would pop and almost the entire gulch would empty out, leaving only a couple of players. Between some badly coordinated ABs (trying to play with special rules) and the left-behind people in WSG getting upset that their games got ruined regularly by AB pops, the 49 community left AB alone for awhile.

It seems a lot of people would like to return to AB, but not at the cost of WSG. Many would like a dedicated AB night where AB takes precedence over WSG, but the community would rather do that as an expansion night rather than one of the current three nights. As the 49 bracket grows, I think it will happen.

To be sure, I certainly do not speak for the 49 community as a whole. I'm just sayin' what I see. :)

Oh, I actually never knew we've EVER had an AB queue proc. I was leveling up my rogue from 37, now he's 80 with relentless/wrathful gear (god I hate my weapons lol). But yeah I was gone a bit.

If you have an idea as to what you want to do regarding this manner, let me know. If you want me to change the way I've phrased that message, etc. Or if you want to make some "official" announcement on AB.

Seems like atm we will have 1-2 warsong gulches going at a time... so I wonder how many people are left out of AB while in their WSG compared to how many people are left out while trying to just get into either BG queue.

I'm used to waiting for a queue if I miss a queue, and leaving the battleground quickly to requeue, so personally its not too big of a problem for me. Let me know what you especially think Cirise, and I'd also like to hear any other 49's opinion on "queuing etiquette" lol.
It's good to have you back, PT. ...People tossed around a few ideas about how to re-enter AB, but the previous foray angered more people than we're willing to admit to ourselves, it seems (even as fun as some of those games were). What I'd *really* like to do is get two simultaneous gulches popping consistently for a couple of weeks, then expand into Tuesday as a new AB-priority night. We were *really* close about three weeks ago, but late spring is the worst time of year for most people, and our numbers dwindled down to one gulch again (all brackets noted the same trend, for the record). I think that by expanding into Tuesday, people will at first be happy with not losing WSG any other night of the week, and when AB reminds us how much fun it is when done well, we'll see more AB on other nights as the 49 population grows to the point of being able to do WSG and AB at the same time.

For right now, I don't think we'll see AB pop until June, when we'll be able to rally the troops for a bracket expansion.
Bwappo said:
It's good to have you back, PT. ...People tossed around a few ideas about how to re-enter AB, but the previous foray angered more people than we're willing to admit to ourselves, it seems (even as fun as some of those games were). What I'd *really* like to do is get two simultaneous gulches popping consistently for a couple of weeks, then expand into Tuesday as a new AB-priority night. We were *really* close about three weeks ago, but late spring is the worst time of year for most people, and our numbers dwindled down to one gulch again (all brackets noted the same trend, for the record). I think that by expanding into Tuesday, people will at first be happy with not losing WSG any other night of the week, and when AB reminds us how much fun it is when done well, we'll see more AB on other nights as the 49 population grows to the point of being able to do WSG and AB at the same time.

For right now, I don't think we'll see AB pop until June, when we'll be able to rally the troops for a bracket expansion.

Ok doke. I'll edit my post to say that a special AB night may be chosen in the future, possibly Tuesday.
It's amazing the amount of new people we seem to attract to the bracket. We seem to be pretty close to 2 gulches, i can count over 30 horde players within a few hours some nights. The only problem is the spiky population, horde could have 25 horde queuing at 10 and alliance could have 17 queuing, 2 hours later horde only has 15 and alliance has 24. The population can change drastically depending on peoples schedule's and who lost the last couple games. Saturdays is our lowest population and we can not have enough horde to pop a game at 9 and then not have enough alliance to pop a game at 12, once again spiky.
Frostik said:
It's amazing the amount of new people we seem to attract to the bracket. We seem to be pretty close to 2 gulches, i can count over 30 horde players within a few hours some nights. The only problem is the spiky population, horde could have 25 horde queuing at 10 and alliance could have 17 queuing, 2 hours later horde only has 15 and alliance has 24. The population can change drastically depending on peoples schedule's and who lost the last couple games. Saturdays is our lowest population and we can not have enough horde to pop a game at 9 and then not have enough alliance to pop a game at 12, once again spiky.

pretty much this

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