I hate my faction!!


3 years ago, when i first started playing WoW, all of my freinds was alliance and was playing on a realm called Bladefist (EU). The realm is ok if your thinking of lvl 80 PvE and PvP.

But when it comes to Twinking.....it sucks hard....REALY hard. (I can see that it was a mistake to make my main on a EU server, beacuse almost every twink from this Forum play on US :S, I realy wish I cud xfer to a US server :) )

There is like 2 twinks on the hole server!(Me included):mad:

I feel very lonely :(

That's why i've started this Thread, to find another Server were there is a nice Twinking guild to go Premade with.

So please if you're twinking on a server or if you are in a good twink guild, wich has many 19 twinks, please post the server name or guild name in this thread.

I'm ready to, either xfer my main to the server and start another twink. Or xfer my twink to the server. Or start a new twink. Atm. all of my char's on Bladefist is Ally's ):

Thank you.
its so bad that one cant transfer from eu to us

otherwise i would have moved over to .us a long time ago.

but i am also stuck on a shitty ralm (rppvp even -.-)
Bloodlust on EU has a couple of nice 19 twink guilds. NineTeen is one of them.

But to me the battlegroup is dead, the twinks are there. But not the great ones I would preffer fighting.

EDIT: Isn't Champer of Aspects like the realm of twinking? Seen a lot of twinks from there.
Never heard of it. I'm in a Battle group called Blackout, THAT IS dead. No twinks. And no twinks = No good fights D:

But you say Bloodlust, wich Battle group is that? and Champer of Aspects is Misery correct?

I will take a look on those thank you, (btw. do you got a Twink there, on Bloodlust? If so, what it's called? And is it Ally / Horde?)
Batgnom said:
I can't find the realm called Bloodlust :S Only Bloodhoof and Bloodscalp.

Bloodlust is not a "realm;" it's a battlegroup.

for 19s, I've heard Bloodlust is actually very active. Check the WoW page that tells you what servers are in BL, and transfer to one of the EU servers.
<Volatilus Letum> from the server Ravencrest is the more dominate Ally guild in the Rampage Battlegroup atm. They can field 10 mans at any time so you would deffinetly not be alone =) Good Luck
Sunblayde said:
Check the WoW page that tells you what servers are in BL.

Ok found it, but can't find any Guilds called Volatilus Letum on any EU server's sorry :(

EDIT: I will try to find some twink's on Champer of Aspect's - Misery, and Ravencrest - Cyclone.

This is all EU servers.

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