i dun goofed


Hello i have made a mistake . I leveled engi and mining to 100 and i went to make the engi helm, but i have no light leather. Is there a way to get light leather without dropping

mining other then looking for battered chest?
jkcrooks said:
Hello i have made a mistake . I leveled engi and mining to 100 and i went to make the engi helm, but i have no light leather. Is there a way to get light leather without dropping

mining other then looking for battered chest?

Fish it up from wreckages. I found some in Redrige
have the kits , enchanting, jc neck and now need helm and have only found 1 wreckage in a hour and a half
i had to drop mining no wreckages were spawning and all the dungeon chest had ores and ****ing watermelon in them so i had to take skinning for 3 light leathers
I hate to catch these threads too late >< Sorry you had to drop mining, but for those who don't know, water logged chests and such actually have a pretty nice drop chance off of normal fishing nodes. Those chests almost always contain bolts of cloth and leather of a level similar to the waters you fish them out of. If you need light leather or medium leather, for example, somewhere like Silverpine Forest is a good place to fish. I found this out when I was fishing for gold in STV. I got about 2 trunks for every 3 or 4 nodes I fished.
SabXXX said:
I hate to catch these threads too late >< Sorry you had to drop mining, but for those who don't know, water logged chests and such actually have a pretty nice drop chance off of normal fishing nodes. Those chests almost always contain bolts of cloth and leather of a level similar to the waters you fish them out of. If you need light leather or medium leather, for example, somewhere like Silverpine Forest is a good place to fish. I found this out when I was fishing for gold in STV. I got about 2 trunks for every 3 or 4 nodes I fished.

i'm having a terrible time finding nodes in silverpine >.<
Whyzo said:
i'm having a terrible time finding nodes in silverpine >.<

Uh... are you looking for them in the water? They're all over the outer cost of the lake around Fenris Isle and along the shore on the west. Oily blackmouth, firefin snappers and sagefish. I don't understand how you're not finding them o_O
Drop mining grab skinning get the light leather (make sure you have the two gems too) and pick up mining again. Mining is very easy to level to 75.

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