Title says it all, been doing pugmades on my mage all day and I quit because my blood pressure is way too fucking high.
Title says it all, been doing pugmades on my mage all day and I quit because my blood pressure is way too fucking high.
Is pugmades premades from your server, with randoms?
Title says it all, been doing pugmades on my mage all day and I quit because my blood pressure is way too fucking high.
Take your break, play a rogue and fak up some peeps
the good players in this bracket should just boycott battlegrounds and do only arenas until the rest of the people on AP are forced to also do arenas because they will have no one to carry them in BGs
there is no reason to BG in this bracket anymore except for honor for BOAs, which is just sad. it's just not even playable anymore. anyone who tells you otherwise is lying
A rogue was my first f2p, too bad he's on a random server. I've been having so much fun on him recently, just can't quit.^^
Get in in now before gouge sprint and shadowstep are removed.