I am the Pit Fighter


so darkmoon faire is upon us again and i was jsut in an epic battle of about 30+ 85 horde and ally and coming out with the pit fighter trinket followed by my har har in general chat twas amusing and fun

i wanna here other twink triumphs in the pit obviously a i was the only one there wouldnt be that amusing so come on give me a good story <3
[sup]Last Darkmoon I tried at less populated times, such as early morning or late night, but it will still always too busy for me to even try to get it.[/sup]
510 stam

chance to grant 1020 mastery on one of ur attacks

i use it for tanking. blood dk. worthless imo

the 2nd one is basically a 378 version of that, since that is basically a 365

got it on my dk. we got a few ragtag randoms together and smashed all the cool highest rated kids on the server. was fun. they were trying to sell it. >

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