I am a proffesional editor

Nice to see a special section dedicated to video clips of twinks - wow.

I am a video editor - with university degree and I ve made some wow movies which participated at some film festivals and I think wow movies are very succesfull.

Since I have a lot of experience in film (video editing, animation -3d,2d,effects and audio - mixing ... etc) i can share it to you if you have any questions.

Also I can edit movies - since I am unemplyoed at the moment - in exchange of $:D
I have a question or two.

1. besides: turning off all effect in-game, running @ low resolution and turning off all other programs is there anything else to do for an older computer to run a bit smoother?

2. Is it even worth it to record @ low resolution; will the output be high enough quality to be watchable on say, youtube?

what is your main program for editing vids?
ninedash...your going to want to record in high res cause youtube cuts your resolution in half basicly when you upload it...also get a new computer (or a mac 0.-
ninedash said:
I have a question or two.

1. besides: turning off all effect in-game, running @ low resolution and turning off all other programs is there anything else to do for an older computer to run a bit smoother?

2. Is it even worth it to record @ low resolution; will the output be high enough quality to be watchable on say, youtube?


I had this problem too. The thing is that you will have frames in game and your gameplay will be a little worst. So the answer will be :

1 - no - that 's all you can do

2 - yes , you can record in low resolution but . If you use fraps or something - they will make you a video in fraps codec. After that i recomand you to make a mov and upload it.

But your question is a little tricky.

First of all - what do you mean - low resolution?

Are you talking about game resolution? Cause the minimum game resolution in 640 or something which is a very good resolution.

Or the recording resolution - which can be 400x300 ?

The thing is that the recording resolution will not make your game work better. If you record in a low resolution you will use less memory on the hard disk but the processor and video card will work like if you record in 800x600.

I record in 400x300 because I use less space on my hard disk and you tube has a low resolution anyway - around 400x300 so you don t really loose anything.

My main program for editing vids is premiere 7 - but I preffer final cut who runs on Mac and because my mac is dead i can t use it.
Sony vegas seems to work just fine for me. But yeah, I'm glad Drayner finally took some action to get this stuff worked out. Maybe one of these days when I'm not playing wow or doing homework I'll write a nice guide to help out the noobies.
Duckhunt said:
Sony vegas seems to work just fine for me. But yeah, I'm glad Drayner finally took some action to get this stuff worked out. Maybe one of these days when I'm not playing wow or doing homework I'll write a nice guide to help out the noobies.

remember to throw in some how to get hd quality on youtube for them as well
Mortox said:
I came to this thread expecting the usual Rc-ST failcrap, But I leave in awe.

im not really sure what to do with myself in this thread...


im going to go for a walk or...something...
A helpful contribution.

I'd care if he actually gave useful informative advice instead of something that can be googled or that everyone knows.
some advices

don t use effects - they suck anyway and they look like in 1970 videos when the firts effects console was invented

don t throw some heavy metalica music just because you like the band - music can create a better video if ii has an ideea - if you don t find a good music just leave the wow sounds - they are much better than any rock music
Got any links to some of your WoW vids? i wouldnt mind seeing them

RC-ST. said:
don t throw some heavy metalica music just because you like the band - music can create a better video if ii has an ideea - if you don t find a good music just leave the wow sounds - they are much better than any rock music

and well i agree with the Heavy Metal part, but Rock in general can tell so many stories, Dont be so closed minded
well here is a playlist

the vids that i really worked at are ileana cosanzeana part 1 (part 2,3 are not avaible on youtube ) Tourist twink

others are just records with youtube - no editing, no sound editing...

other non-wow movies can be found here http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?pi=0&ps=20&sf=&sa=0&sq=&dm=0&p=4D336FB04ECF132A - animations... documentaries... some are not translated in english

i recomand you Anca Parghel in memoriam - an animation that won an award and this short film http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?pi=0&ps=20&sf=&sa=0&sq=&dm=0&p=2F5B8EE0CCE379DA also won some awards.

I didn t said that rock music can t be expresive - but rock music is very rare expressive... some old rock music were very good, but rock from our days is , in my opinion some wiered combination of "how fast I can hit the drums" & "how loud I can scream" . The only people that enjoy this music are people that listen to this music for around 100 times, until you begin to like it.

Anyway, the rock music was just an example. People tend to use all kind of music. For exemple , in a lot of news reels , when there is a terrible accident or some personality died, romainian televisions use the music from "Requiem for a dream", which, in their mind, is the best, the only music that can express sadness. (This music can be found in 25% from film students in Romania).

A good exemple of music in a wow movie can be found in Ileana Cosanzeana . The part uploaded on youtube has the music, but the real good stuff is in part 3 (unavaible).

That music is a music that I ve found it by mistake... at a sound class... and it was perfect for what I wanted. Its a real dungeon music.

As I said, wow music is very good. They really have good sound experts there. Also the musci from neverwinter nights is very good . used it here : [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoCpaVGBfVI&feature=PlayList&p=4D336FB04ECF132A]YouTube - Ziua Dependentei - Dependence day[/ame] (see from minute 8:20) - also , here is a good exemple of dance music - zombie from Cardigans - and unfortunatelly Sony Music has just reported me that I don t have a license to use that music.
...... Don't say that rock doesn't belong in wow movies, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't belong......

There are many good rock songs to put in, and many good trance songs to put in. The beat of the song should fit into your playstyle /the situation your in
No offence man I really didnt enjoy the vid, it bored the heck out of me( thats the one you posted here) all the other links took me to No vids, you tube saying "No Playlist Available"

Also heres a example of a great theme I have seen in alot of home made vids (with a story) Let the Bodies Hit the Floor-Drowning Pool, Often used to describe how angry someone is getting after loosing there mind, often going into a Killing Spree (would be a great reference for pre-bg) Or hey maybe Vermillion pt.1-Slipknot a story about a your perfect Girl, i can keep on going, you just need to open your ears and stop thinking Just Rap or whatever you like is the only kind of music that fit a story.
RC-ST. said:
well here is a playlist

the vids that i really worked at are ileana cosanzeana part 1 (part 2,3 are not avaible on youtube ) Tourist twink

others are just records with youtube - no editing, no sound editing...

other non-wow movies can be found here http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?pi=0&ps=20&sf=&sa=0&sq=&dm=0&p=4D336FB04ECF132A - animations... documentaries... some are not translated in english

i recomand you Anca Parghel in memoriam - an animation that won an award and this short film http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?pi=0&ps=20&sf=&sa=0&sq=&dm=0&p=2F5B8EE0CCE379DA also won some awards.

I didn t said that rock music can t be expresive - but rock music is very rare expressive... some old rock music were very good, but rock from our days is , in my opinion some wiered combination of "how fast I can hit the drums" & "how loud I can scream" . The only people that enjoy this music are people that listen to this music for around 100 times, until you begin to like it.

Anyway, the rock music was just an example. People tend to use all kind of music. For exemple , in a lot of news reels , when there is a terrible accident or some personality died, romainian televisions use the music from "Requiem for a dream", which, in their mind, is the best, the only music that can express sadness. (This music can be found in 25% from film students in Romania).

A good exemple of music in a wow movie can be found in Ileana Cosanzeana . The part uploaded on youtube has the music, but the real good stuff is in part 3 (unavaible).

That music is a music that I ve found it by mistake... at a sound class... and it was perfect for what I wanted. Its a real dungeon music.

As I said, wow music is very good. They really have good sound experts there. Also the musci from neverwinter nights is very good . used it here : (see from minute 8:20) - also , here is a good exemple of dance music - zombie from Cardigans - and unfortunatelly Sony Music has just reported me that I don t have a license to use that music.

Hip hop sucks balls today though, it's not even hip hop.

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