Hunterspec in xp lock bg


I have a lvl 29 hunter twink. I used to be a MM hunter but I was told people do not appreciate that build because its to OP, mainly cause of the Aimed Shot. Would a MM build without Aimed Shot still be to OP or can I use Aimed Shot in my build?

Do you have any suggestions for a propper hunter build?


dont want to be op?

there is a few options for you then:

1. Roll another class...!

2. have 19s gear... ok maby not

3. As said above roll with no talent points

4. No pet, or no ranged wep (?)

but simply, ofc option nr1.
thomzyx said:
just askin but wats bad bout bein OP lol
This is bad about being to OP:

1. People in locked xp complain.

2. You dont change.

3. They stop queue, cuase its no fun for them.

4. No bg pop.

5. No fun for you.
Obe said:
It's mainly the aimed shot. I'm survival with scatter shot on my hunter, a bit less ap than MM, but some more tricks.

Scatter Shot is just too fun to miss out on in 29s if you ask me ^_^ It is by far my favorite Hunter ability.

Still need to make a 49s Hunter with Wyvern Sting and Scatter Shot... and a Bat Pet... and a reduced cooldown on Freezing Trap... oh and it should definitely be a Blood Elf or Tauren! I bet all the healers would just LOVE the attention I give them ^_^..

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