Hunters lol

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Willyshatner said:
It's funny, because I am good enough to lead rated BGs successfully at 85. But when I play 29s, it's pretty much impossible to lead anyone because they a) don't get in vent, b) aren't positioned in a good way, c) being berated by you to do something that's incorrect or not beneficial at the moment, d) constantly playing catch up against a team that's used to playing in a coordinated fashion, e) complaining about some factor that's supposedly ruining the game for them.

There's a lot that we can do to improve the quality of games, without even expecting the alliance to do anything in return. The mistake you keep making, Nastay, is assuming that my personal skills have anything to do with any of the aforementioned things that are holding this team back. At the end of a day I could be a Glad level player and we would still lose.

I've never been Glad before, so I am not going to claim that I am that good. However, I have been to 2k in 3s, and I could easily have gone further, had circumstances permitted. Hell, I am 1700 in rated BGs right now, and will go much further, as long as the circumstances on my server, allow me to.

It's just sad that no matter what, you're always going to be the negative/detrimental aspect to any game you're in.

Did anyone else laugh extremely hard at this post?
rubikz said:
i can't believe people actually care about getting emoted

i can't believe the people that do care complain about it on a forum instead of using /ignore function

i can't believe aimed shot is actually banned in this bracket since 3s casts are really situational and survival is a better spec anyway

i can't believe it's not butter

It was banned, because it was insta cast. Even though survival is the better spec, it's still banned because of the debuff and silencing shot. Blizzard nerfed it back to a 3s cast a few patches ago.
Megumi said:
It was banned, because it was insta cast. Even though survival is the better spec, it's still banned because of the debuff and silencing shot. Blizzard nerfed it back to a 3s cast a few patches ago.

Never knew it was still possible to re-rez, re-kill, and re-beat that horse.

Aaah - the magical 29 bracket.
Baelzhar said:
Never knew it was still possible to re-rez, re-kill, and re-beat that horse.

Aaah - the magical 29 bracket.

Steelers? I may never speak with you again.

Packers #1

that being said, hockey #1 sport us/eu
Megumi said:
It was banned, because it was insta cast. Even though survival is the better spec, it's still banned because of the debuff and silencing shot. Blizzard nerfed it back to a 3s cast a few patches ago.

so you're saying AS is banned now because of how it was in the past?
my hunter was a 39 but i dont remember it hitting near as hard back when it was instant. then again the ms effect was supported in 39's so maybe thats why it was "banned" in 29's
oknob said:

that being said, hockey #1 sport us/eu


#1, sadly the true 1080 HD version got removed
ohai, those are some beautiful goals. true football has some of the most amazing plays i have ever seen in any sport, and the conditioning those guys have is insane. 90 mins of running up and down the pitch, it must be close to 1.5 football fields or more
AS doesn't have a MS effect on it anymore. Now it's just a 3 sec cast with some hefty damage. It's banned because people are for some reason unable to avoid the hefty damage.
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