Hunters lol

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We could use some flag carriers for Tuesday.
Daydra said:
Posting on 69


I am Ledannor, the self-proclaimed Game Master of Awesome! Glad to get the opportunity to handle your petition today!

Unfortunately, as it is the "majority rules" when it comes to this sort of situation, there is very little that we can do about it :( Perhaps there is a better, less abuse-able way that this feature could be put in place...

I think your idea is definitely one that our developers should hear about! Unfortunately, due to some convoluted legal reasons, the Game Master department is legally bound from being allowed to take any suggestions for changes in the game. Thankfully, there is a way where players like you can personally get your idea where the developers can see it!

Blizzard is lucky to have fans who take the time to contribute new game ideas and suggestions for improving our products. While we value the feedback and perspective our customers offer, we are legally restricted from accepting such propositions via email or in-game petition. I highly encourage you to log on to our Forums and post your suggestion there for the developers to read. For World of Warcraft you can go to (Customer Support - Forums - World of Warcraft) and post your thoughts there. This forum provides a valuable opportunity for Blizzard staff members to collect feedback from those who know our games best, namely, Our Players! While I cannot guarantee you will receive a direct response to your post, I can assure you with absolutely certainty that the Forum is regularly read, and the suggestions posted there do make an impact on our game designs.

You can also check our general forums (Forums - World of Warcraft) where you can discuss game issues with other players.

If you have any further questions regarding this specific issue, please feel free to click the "need more help" button, and give us a detailed message about it. Otherwise, please click the "message read" button.

Thanks for playing World of Warcraft! Have a great day! :)


Game Master Ledannor

Customer Services

Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Support

Blizzards response to the "Report player AFK" thing. You're all bad.
allahkazam said:
i wouldn't report you. i'd probably want to keep you so i could hear horde whine about it later on.

My thoughts exactly.
I may not be the most skilled player, but i use binds, focus macros, talk in vent, call things out, etc. I do everything I can to help my team win unless something happens in game to make me moody. Fc calling me bad is nothing new. He's been doing it for years. I don't even listen to what he says anymore.

And to think I was actually sad to see you writing you might not renew your sub. Once an asshole, always an asshole I guess.
allahkazam said:
talk in vent

orly? I beg to differ

it's common knowledge that you rolled alliance for one reason and one reason only

but i do have fun listening to Tess make fun of you/trashing you on realid, you got some close friends eh
AWW someone called me bad at a video game I'm never gonna play again!!!

You know I get called bad on a nightly basis right?

You want to know how often if have stopped queing over it? Once, and I did that to skip the que to see if I could get in the other game.
Fcftw said:
orly? I beg to differ

it's common knowledge that you rolled alliance for one reason and one reason only

but i do have fun listening to Tess make fun of you/trashing you on realid, you got some close friends eh

i've known tess for a lot longer than you have. it's how she is.

and yeah i rolled alliance to replace the druid that i suck at. i think i've made that pretty apparent. it's definitely not the class it was when i first made it. i rolled it after a game night full of games where horde facerolled and you pop in our channel to say "so are we going to let games end early tonight or are some of you going to switch so we can get 10"

and @ Franchi: it's not that someone is calling me bad, it's that i'm being called bad as a response to disagreeing with someone. call me bad for playing bad, but calling me bad for disagreeing about something here is really lame. also it doesn't stop me from queueing. not going to hop in vent and queue horde when it's clear from fcftl's infantile retorts that i'm clearly not good enough to get rolled by MB every game. i don't care what people think so i'll play what i want, but i'm not stepping into a hostile environment in vent or in game. getting shitty with me isn't going to make the horde that do queue better.
allahkazam said:
i've known tess for a lot longer than you have. it's how she is.

and yeah i rolled alliance to replace the druid that i suck at. i think i've made that pretty apparent. it's definitely not the class it was when i first made it. i rolled it after a game night full of games where horde facerolled and you pop in our channel to say "so are we going to let games end early tonight or are some of you going to switch so we can get 10"

and @ Franchi: it's not that someone is calling me bad, it's that i'm being called bad as a response to disagreeing with someone. call me bad for playing bad, but calling me bad for disagreeing about something here is really lame. also it doesn't stop me from queueing. not going to hop in vent and queue horde when it's clear from fcftl's infantile retorts that i'm clearly not good enough to get rolled by MB every game. i don't care what people think so i'll play what i want, but i'm not stepping into a hostile environment in vent or in game. getting shitty with me isn't going to make the horde that do queue better.

No doubt that you're this big of a pussy offline as well.
Well define bad. Kow bad? Willy bad? NasT bad?

It's funny, because I am good enough to lead rated BGs successfully at 85. But when I play 29s, it's pretty much impossible to lead anyone because they a) don't get in vent, b) aren't positioned in a good way, c) being berated by you to do something that's incorrect or not beneficial at the moment, d) constantly playing catch up against a team that's used to playing in a coordinated fashion, e) complaining about some factor that's supposedly ruining the game for them.

There's a lot that we can do to improve the quality of games, without even expecting the alliance to do anything in return. The mistake you keep making, Nastay, is assuming that my personal skills have anything to do with any of the aforementioned things that are holding this team back. At the end of a day I could be a Glad level player and we would still lose.

I've never been Glad before, so I am not going to claim that I am that good. However, I have been to 2k in 3s, and I could easily have gone further, had circumstances permitted. Hell, I am 1700 in rated BGs right now, and will go much further, as long as the circumstances on my server, allow me to.

It's just sad that no matter what, you're always going to be the negative/detrimental aspect to any game you're in.
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