Hunters. (In Process)

This guide will consist of:

1) Gear and Enchants

2) Consumables

3) Pets

Feel free to criticize my guide, or add anything you believe is better and I will gladly add it to my guide :)

1) Gear and Enchants

Red = Ideal for DPS.

Blue = Ideal for Stam, FC.

Green = Ideal for extra intellect.

Head: Green Tinted Goggles with 100HP (Libram of Constitution)

Note: Green Tinted Goggles Requires 150 engineering.

If you are lucky enough to get the Lucky Fishing Hat, use that with 100HP to head instead.

Neck : Sentinel's Medallion

: Talbar Mantle (Good for a little extra Stam and Intellect)


Serpent's Shoulders

: Sentry's Cloak. Ideally apply <3 Agility> here.


Glowing Lizardscale Cloak. Ideally apply <3 Agility> here.

Chest: Blackend Defias Armor. Ideally apply <100 HP> here.


Tunic of Westfall. Ideally you should apply <4 Stats> here. (NOTE: This item is Alliance only)

: Forest Leather Bracers. Ideally you should apply <9 stamina> here.


Monkey Bracers (3 stam + 3 agi) Ideally you should apply <9 Stamina> here.

Gloves: Scouting Gloves of the Monkey. Ideally you should apply <15 agility> here.


Scouting Gloves of the Eagle. Ideally you should apply <15 agility> here.

: Deviate Scale Belt


Girdle of the Blindwatcher

: Dark Leather Pants.


Bandit Pants of the Monkey.


Bandit Pants of the Eagle.

Ideally you should apply Nethercleft (40 Stam + 12 Agil) to all these bad-boys.

Feet : Footpads of the Fang. Ideally you should apply either <Minor Speed Increase> or <7 Stam>


Feet of the Lynx. Ideally you should apply either <Minor Speed Increase or <7 stam>


Nat's Exetreme Anglin' Boots.
Ideally you should apply either <Boar's Speed> or <Cat's Swiftness>

Rings : Seal of Wrynn (Alliance Only)


Protector's Band


Seal of Sylvanas (Horde Only)

Trinkets : Insignia of the Alliance / Horde

Arena Grand Master


The optimal thing to do is obtain the BoA trinket.

Bow : Venomstrike. Ideally you should apply <3+ scope>

The optimal thing to do is obtain the BoA bow.

Melee Weapon : Crescent Staff (Horde Only)

Twisted Chanter's Staff

Apply <25 Agility> to these two melee weapons.

Another option for stam set is getting:

Night Watch Sword in MH (With 22intel)

And Furbolg Medicine Pouch in OH.
Engineers cloak

Falcon gloves, pants, bracers, ring.

Falcon is main dps these days with agi and int (specced right int gives AP)

Might want to add specs and what pets to get (pet specials)

Also you messed something up on the feet enchants.
Thank you for your input! =) Im still in the process, I've been extremely busy but...

I do not believe a twink should have no stam on their pants because the main part of a 19 twink is survivability.
Falcon is best for premades so you should really add it in. Also the colors are kind of hard on the eyes, there's alot of different ways you can show different sets.
Also, with the int->ap conversion talent now, stacking full int might be your best bet, you have a TON of mana. And do a lot of damage.

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