Hunters get lvl 1 pets!

Grabco said:

Check out the "focus" part!

I, for one, love this. The hunter class uses instant casts almost exclusively, so mana wouldn't be appropriate. Imagine a priest with energy!? Or a rogue/warrior using mana!? The concept of a class that uses instant casts almost exclusively cannot utilize mana- I can't understand why Blizzard ever chose mana as the hunters power bar.

I think this will finally give hunters the slight nerf they need- and overall balance the class out.

If you really think about it- the classes that people, in general (and this is not my opinion) have problems with are hunters, ret paladins, and warlocks- I only think warlock is in there because of fear, so we'll ignore that one. The (ret) paladin class, like the hunter, uses instant abilities while using mana. I think this is the reason they seem OP or people have problems with them...

My $0.02.

^- Made me lol, but it's nice to know of up coming changes for other brackets too. My friends 10 twink hunter is gonna be pretty baller with all of his haste and crit. :)

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