Grabco said:
Check out the "focus" part!
I, for one, love this. The hunter class uses instant casts almost exclusively, so mana wouldn't be appropriate. Imagine a priest with energy!? Or a rogue/warrior using mana!? The concept of a class that uses instant casts almost exclusively cannot utilize mana- I can't understand why Blizzard ever chose mana as the hunters power bar.
I think this will finally give hunters the slight nerf they need- and overall balance the class out.
If you really think about it- the classes that people, in general (and this is not my opinion) have problems with are hunters, ret paladins, and warlocks- I only think warlock is in there because of fear, so we'll ignore that one. The (ret) paladin class, like the hunter, uses instant abilities while using mana. I think this is the reason they seem OP or people have problems with them...
My $0.02.