Hunters are completely out of control and ruin this bracket


let me start this off by saying that i am not just some random noob. i have extensive experience in the 19 and 29 brackets, and with the hunter class especially. if you twinked at 19 or 29 pre-cata, you played with me. i had twink hunters at 19 and 29 and they were broken then, and they're still broken now.

i have been pvping on my free-to-play level 20 mage: Cotus @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft . right now i have a little over 800 hp unbuffed. id like to have close to 1100 hp unbuffed with reasonably acquirable gear. hunters do my *entire* hp pool within 2 global cooldowns. this is not an exaggeration. i do not mean that they do 50% of my hp pool. i do not mean that they do 80%. i mean that if i encounter a hunter in a pvp situation, i am dead within 3 seconds, and there is absolutely nothing i can do about it.

these hunters are not even twinked. many of these hunters are level 20 and are half-twinked f2p's like me. others have 1-2 pieces of boa gear. these guys are not even "twinked" out - i'm looking at their gear, and have even armoried a few to check.

did you know that hunters get disengage at level 14....? and scatter shot, as an ability for free, at level 15....? huh? i've been away from the game for a while, but this is a complete joke. hunters were godmode at low levels when i played back in the day, but at least you didn't INSTANTLY die to them, and at least other classes had the tools to kill them. disengage at level 14? ss at 15? how are there even still players twinking in this game?

i know that complaining about it isn't going to make anything better, but seriously guys - this is completely ridiculous. i was really excited about f2p twinking, and got some friends to come back and do it with me. we're interested in wargames for arenas and wsg, maybe even ab. but if i can't even queue up for a random battleground for fun, because every_single_game is dominated and ruined by hunters to an absolutely comical extent, i'm not sure how much promise this bracket and concept has.

and no, the solution is not to roll a hunter - i eventually stopped playing my twink hunters because it was so godmode they weren't even fun. you can even view my handiwork here:

all thoughts are welcome - how to deal with hunters at 20, how we can circumvent the problem, how to discourage people from rolling hunters. thanks.
Distance Freeze with your pet.

Blink to get close, use your Cone of Cold + your own freeze to keep them at the same spot, stay in melee range and cast.

When he disengages you probbly have him low enough to just go for a full nuke.

Thats how I handle them with my level 20, of course it doesnt work all the time but I believe its the most effective way to get a kill.

PS; This is for frost mages.
People are going to play hunters, and those people will for the most part be pretty terrible. I'm not sure why someone would roll a hunter if they didn't need to crutch on the class mechanics of being borderline unstoppable, but your best bet is to get a good disc priest and never leave their side.
I haven't played enough to really know how OP Hunters are or aren't, but I did notice that there were loads of them in WSG. I equally got killed by Pallys, Hunters, and Rogues though.

Look forward to war games, the 20-24 bracket is to easily corruptible. At least with war games you are in a controlled environment.
Thing is in wargames i can honestly say i will expect alliance with rogues and pallys with the odd druid/shamans. Horde will probably have a cast of well casters. Interestingly anyone ever thought of a sorta RP kinda war between races? Cud be fun.
make a priest. enjoy hardcountering hunters.

Gorillamode said:
I'm not sure why someone would roll a hunter if they didn't need to crutch on the class mechanics of being borderline unstoppable

lol thats hilarious coming from a paladin.
Best Rogue EU said:
make a priest. enjoy hardcountering hunters.

lol thats hilarious coming from a paladin.

waah waah waah

I'm not going to sit here and claim that a paladin is the hardest class to play or that it's a disadvantaged one, but even comparing them to hunters is silly at best.
I love it when the Dualboxer with 3 hunters and a disc priest enters AB. We always win then because he can only be @ one base at once... he's taking up 33% of the horde's spots - but can only be @ one base.. we just ignore him and his little hunters and win something like 1600/400.

Last BG where he was in had 6 hunters. I've now won 3 consecutive games in a row where he was in. He makes horde lose - which is good because dual boxing is retarded @ best :)

Just thought I'd throw that out there..... :D
Well, keep in mind Cotus (as a fellow mage) I know how mad you are. I think I even made a post to that extent earlier. Here's how it gets better. Link in with people you know and play arena. War games are a lot of fun as a mage even being the shit class of the bracket. Im also enjoying BG"s. To enjoy them you have to hide in the back and shoot frostbolts etc.. You absolutely can't just run out in the middle and try to 1v1 anything. Everything can and will kill you because of how little damage you do. However, if you work in a support state of mind you can and will do big things!
after playing a bunch of BGs yesterday, i'm going to have to change my tune just a little. having healers in the game (who have a clue) really changes EVERYTHING. heals at this level are extremely powerful relative to HP. hunters are still absolutely retarded in pugs, but if your side has healers, you can definitely counteract them.

i can tell you that war games are going to look VERY different than pug BGs at this level, if we ever get them going.
C O T U S said:
after playing a bunch of BGs yesterday, i'm going to have to change my tune just a little. having healers in the game (who have a clue) really changes EVERYTHING. heals at this level are extremely powerful relative to HP. hunters are still absolutely retarded in pugs, but if your side has healers, you can definitely counteract them.

i can tell you that war games are going to look VERY different than pug BGs at this level, if we ever get them going.

I understand the draw to playing a hunter; its a cool class conceptually, and unique in that it is the only physical ranged damage dealer, and only class which uses ranged weapons as a primary damage source.

If we could just get the people with hunters to also make other twinks, well that would just be peachy.
Its not enough damage. The hunter will tear through you as arcane. Arcane's gimmicky because its scales really well with spellpower (ie with enchants which we cant get). Im pretty sure the only draw to being a hunter is it being so OP. People new to the game generally go with something cool sounding thats familiar (mage/rogue/warrior/priest) which are found in other games. People that are not new to game choose hunter because they know what it is to be one.
actually, i respecced arcane myself, and it is many times more effective at level 20. i originally specced myself frost, because i thought that it would be the best for damage, control, and survivability at this level. that's what it seems like, right?

but arcane is actually better in every way. you simply cannot afford to be casting spells in this bracket, whether we like it or not. you WILL get destroyed if you sit there and try to cast. your water elemental WILL get killed in 2-3 hits by anyone with a clue. improved blink, improved counterspell, and the flexibility of arcane barrage are much better than anything frost can offer at this level.

i strongly urge other mages to respec arcane. you will not be disappointed.
Flamekeeper said:
Its not enough damage. The hunter will tear through you as arcane. Arcane's gimmicky because its scales really well with spellpower (ie with enchants which we cant get). Im pretty sure the only draw to being a hunter is it being so OP. People new to the game generally go with something cool sounding thats familiar (mage/rogue/warrior/priest) which are found in other games. People that are not new to game choose hunter because they know what it is to be one.

My first toon was a hunter...
I don't care if some one get's mad at me and called me a bad player, I rolled a Hunter. I really like the class and it's more fun for me to play.


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