Hunter Vs Rogue


Both have best, top of the line damage gear at lv 19.

Who would win.
Most likely Hunter unless the Rogue is very good and the Hunter is terrible.
Depends on arena.. pet etc. If you have a ravager/spider hunters will win in most arenas.. If you have a hyena its a matter of who bursts faster..
thats what i thought....

Having an argument with someone and he has his mind made up that rogues are the most amazing class and anything and everything.
If they both have all cooldowns up and are specd and geared correctly, the hunter should win do to the better control of his opponent at this level.

If we are really being honest the only class at 19 that should be easily able to dominate hunters are pallies, maybe shamans with this patch.

If I can get away from you, I win.

If I cant keep you away, you win.
If they are both equally geared and skilled...


But I think Shamans will be the ultimate 1v1 Class now.
The rogue's best chance in this situation is bend over.

It might entice the hunter into melee range.
Evocate said:
Depends on if the hunter has a brain.. pet etc. If the hunter has an iq above 23 hunters will win in every case.. If you have a hyena its a matter of if your Skey still works..

damn you made alot of spelling errors, i fixed them.
The only way a rogue would be able to beat a GOOD hunter would be to use all cool downs.
I have tried to beat hunters so many times, and the moral of the story is that it's just near impossible without LoS and very hard with it. Even if you get in melle range, you will get hit with wing clip and they will run away and start conc. shot again! It is very hard not to get kited by a hunter as ANY melle class. I do see Shaman being able to beat them this patch tho, as long as they are able to keep the pet off of them and heal sufficently.
Better player would win, a rogue who knows how to use los good as well as his character can easily beat a hunter.
kármá said:
Better player would win, a rogue who knows how to use los good as well as his character can easily beat a hunter.

and a hunter who knows how to counter that could easily beat a rogue
Rip said:
If they are both equally geared and skilled...


But I think Shamans will be the ultimate 1v1 Class now.

Shamans were the ultimate 1v1 class in 3.1 too. The only classes that can really compare to them when played near perfectly would be a hunter and a lock.

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