Hunter QQ

Before any hunters are offended by this, please look at my twinks so you will see that I play a hunter.

As of late hunters have been making games extremely unbalanced. Also, since they do way too much damage compared to other classes, the number of hunters is way higher than other classes, and it makes games further unbalanced.

The first picture is to show how many hunters there are compared to other classes: 8 hunters = 40% of that WSG. Not only that but they were ALL on the same side. The second picture shows how hunter damage compares with other class damage: notice how hunters have 6 out of the top 7 slots. The other two hunters joined very late in the game. The last picture I took to prove a point of how unfair a single hunter can be. I was able to keep 75% of the horde team trapped in their GY, simply by using the resto hut when my health/mana got low. A few horde started using ramp to get to mid, but this means they had to travel about 20 ~ 30 extra seconds to arrive at the same point. As a community, we need to work to correct the imbalance of hunters in WSG.

I think blizzard could fix this problem by allowing only 3 of each class per side. This would result in teams having much more diverse teams as opposed to 5 hunters, a couple healers, and three irrelevant toons.

If you have any suggestions, I would like to hear them. I will be posting a suggestion in the official WoW forums. When I do this, I will post a link and would appreciate it if I could get support from all of you.

Thank you
I understand what you are saying and the fact that you are trying to come up with a solution is noble but, limiting BGs to only 3 of each class would make the queue times almost infinite. I do think you are heading in the right direction though.
I agree with this 100%. I would be willing to wait an extra minute or two to queue if it meant not fighting 5 million hunters and 4 million rogues.
I see what you want. I bet anyone would love to reduce the amount of hunters besides the newbie nonskilled hunters who rolls hunters only because of there great dominance, but remember this will affect premading as well I guess.
Maerduk said:
Not balanced at 80 though...

Hehe, you obviously never vs'd a survival hunter in s5, but now they are ok at 80.

hmm, how about.....

Hunter Level 80 Skill


Damage increased to 100%

balanced imo?
Nope, I agree that hunters are op in the 19/29 brackets but after that they begin to balance out. Blizz isnt going to do anything about hunters below 30 anytime soon or realisticly ever.
o man i know what exactly you mean. I started a rogue and got all the gear and stuff and would do pretty well. Then i get in BG and bam 8 hunters on 1 side lol. I had no chance. So i made a hunter to finally beable to compete.

My rogues AP was about 201 something with the enchants. My hunter has 230 and thats not even enchants on gloves yet or decent wrist with enchant. Im normally top 3 on the hunter in BG
Breaking news guys, breaking news:

Ranged class is overpowered in open areas with no line of sight, in a bracket with two undispellable snares (one of which comes from the ranged class)

alert the presses so we can get this important information out to the masses
Get a warrior and beat the hunters to a pulp. I enjoy it and I think quite a few others would too. Hamstring has a nasty habit of annoying them. The only time it becomes hell is when you have a chain of spiders rooting you.
BloodSurge said:
Get a warrior and beat the hunters to a pulp. I enjoy it and I think quite a few others would too. Hamstring has a nasty habit of annoying them. The only time it becomes hell is when you have a chain of spiders rooting you.




Well one of the main reasons hunters are able to do so much damage is that they can keep a safe distance from you by kiting you around with their many stuns, snares, and slows. If the lvl you learn concussive shot or wing clip was increased I could see hunters losing a lot of power.
Coolwhipp said:
Well one of the main reasons hunters are able to do so much damage is that they can keep a safe distance from you by kiting you around with their many stuns, snares, and slows. If the lvl you learn concussive shot or wing clip was increased I could see hunters losing a lot of power.

Wingclip is fine, Pet slows and snares are also fine albeit a little annoying at times. The problem IMO is concussive shot. It does too much on such a short CD and coupled with its range it screws over pretty much every class.

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