Hunter Pets?


Hey guys, decided to get back on the twink wagon

After being absent for quite some time I've gone about relearning all the new gear and how to acquire it, Now i just have one question...

(I was Headlemon, Druid FC for 'If We Die Its Lag' on Boulderfist some time, if you can recall us Pizza ;) )

Now to the actual question! Is there any particular pet for us lvl 19 twink huntards?

I've slowly been collecting a buttload of them... from carrion birds with the promise of demoralizing screech, boars for charge, to spiders for web, but to no avail!

Is there a single pet that has an ability besides the standard attack?

(or besides the minorly useful prowl)

Or one with supposedly the best DPS?

or is it all just really personal preference nowadays?
Bat is the most viable pet due to it being the only pet with a special ability afaik

@following posters, I do not want to see any anti hunter flame in here. You will get infracted.
Kore nametooshort said:
@following posters, I do not want to see any anti hunter flame in here. You will get infracted.

LOL nice,

to all aforementioned future flamers, yes i'm aware the mass migration to the currently ridiculously overpowered class it is, but hey... at least i'm putting in the time to do it CORRECTLY.

Not just 'meh, close enough to geared properly...' after all, Someone has to keep Pizza entertained :p

(To balance out the twink pool i'm also making a 19 Fury Warrior and Feral FC Druid, happy?)
Lemon said:
(To balance out the twink pool i'm also making a 19 Fury Warrior and Feral FC Druid, happy?)

Nope, this does not justify it, unless you play your hunter for less than 1 hour each year.

Here's some simple math:

Hunter = +100000 Penalty points

Druid = -1 Penalty point

Fury = -1 Penalty point

That leaves you with +99999 Penalty points.

(To Kore, this is not flame, just simple math)
Lemon said:
LOL nice,

to all aforementioned future flamers, yes i'm aware the mass migration to the currently ridiculously overpowered class it is, but hey... at least i'm putting in the time to do it CORRECTLY.

Not just 'meh, close enough to geared properly...' after all, Someone has to keep Pizza entertained :p

(To balance out the twink pool i'm also making a 19 Fury Warrior and Feral FC Druid, happy?)

I blew up my school, but HEY, at least I did it properly.

Not one of those 'meh, just enough crudely made pipe bombs to kill a couple room fulls', one of those real ragers, with military grade C4 and plastic explosives. Hey, someone has to keep Timothy Mcveigh entertained.
Bat and Cat both have an ability. You will need to put them in your action bar after every death, entering bg etc (there are macro's to help this problem which I do not use myself).

So Bats have their stun and Cats have their stealth.

On my BM hunters I use Cats most of the times as I like the possiblity to send out a stealthed stun.

On a survival hunter I usually choose Bat, I don't play MM but probably Bat there too.
Lawlpurge said:
I blew up my school, but HEY, at least I did it properly.

Not one of those 'meh, just enough crudely made pipe bombs to kill a couple room fulls', one of those real ragers, with military grade C4 and plastic explosives. Hey, someone has to keep Timothy Mcveigh entertained.

exactly what i was thinking.
Splenda said:
Nope, this does not justify it, unless you play your hunter for less than 1 hour each year.

Here's some simple math:

Hunter = +100000 Penalty points

Druid = -1 Penalty point

Fury = -1 Penalty point

That leaves you with +99999 Penalty points.

(To Kore, this is not flame, just simple math)

Oh I AM going to like this place... :D

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time Splenda.

Also Lawlpurge ...If i laughed does that make me a bad person ? :D

Thankyou all for the input, sounds like I'll be needing to acquire myself a Rare bat then ;)
no thare is no pets wiht a specail abil so i say jsut go and stop makeing that stupid fucktard rite now becuz if you cant get a pet then why even play him? sted go reroll something cool and fun and usealbe instead of a hunter just runing around pressing 7 and jizzing yourself. ^ is all wrong they are noobs and dont know what they are talking about but i do bro lissen to me. dont make hunter.

@kore shut up...
Tis a rare site youll be seeing me not lose my cool when yet another noob hunter asks a question. so gratz on seeing it, im just to damn tired of hunters to even try.
gotta love every hunter question made is just getting overfloated with raging comments, hey its op just realise ftom reroling is not new guys, yes it is kinda gay.

every rouge in the low lvl bracket was hated in 4.0.1 if you remember there was a milion of them? same thing goes for hunters atm.

YES fotm rerol is gay and allways will be, but there is a lot of ppl playing this game just so that they are able to faceroll no doubt about it.

but u ppl raging about it are just running the same cykle as any1 else not fotm'ing have been doing ever since vanilla, whine troll and rage'ing all the way.

take a chill pill please, gayfags is gay there is no denying it but raging over it wont make them straight u know?

ok, on topic; ehhhhhh fuck i dont have anything ontopic so heres a cat that i drew:

Did not know about the Dragon Hawk, thanks Waltdisneylock

So it seems 3 pets can be used with different abilities.

Bat - stun

Cat - stealth

Dragon Hawk - fire breath

Bat for survival and mm specs in most cases,

Cat interesting alternative for bm (stealth stun as i posted before),

Dragon Hawk when running with dps caster perhaps?
your garbage for running -just kidding... anyways in all honestly bat is best for PuGs, you do enough damage as it is. no need to add more, Utility > Slight dmg buff.
Between the dragonhawk and cat, is the DH better for dps?

The DH's bite and Cat's claw abilities both do the same damage and the cat doesnt get the roar of courage @ lvl 19 but the DH increases your magic damge.

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