Hunter Pets

My understanding is that taming a level 19 pet and killing a few mobs is the best method of getting a max level pet with the least experience. Can anyone confirm this?

For Hunters who choose to use a ravager, do you guys level them to 19 or leave them at 18?

If you do level them to 19, approximately how much exp do you gain while doing it?
If you want a max level (19, I'm assuming) pet with one of the good skill-sets, Zarakh the spider is an excellent choice, if a bit hard to acquire without help. Level 19 spider in Bloodmyst with a fully unique model.
I use to have a Spider but my play style fits better with a hyana and its lvl 19 aswell (just tamed a lvl 19 in southern barrens). The hyana's cool down is lower then the spiders and last longer and the hyana does a decent amount of dmg aswell. So my best advice is just to find a lvl 19 hyana in barrens and have fun with it.
dunno why everybody likes the hyenas. they got a snare...a hunter has so many snares there is no need for another. ok, at 19 you miss the traps, but a root/stun is still superior.

bat -> ranged stun -> interrupt casts... for example. without scatter this is your best option.

spider -> ranged root ... force your opponent to stand in place or use a cd like insignia/entangling artist. ok, can be dispelled...
Bansil said:
dunno why everybody likes the hyenas. they got a snare...a hunter has so many snares there is no need for another. ok, at 19 you miss the traps, but a root/stun is still superior.

bat -> ranged stun -> interrupt casts... for example. without scatter this is your best option.

spider -> ranged root ... force your opponent to stand in place or use a cd like insignia/entangling artist. ok, can be dispelled...

I have a spider and a hyena and I really prefer the spider in PVP. The spider's root/web is much more effective IMHO. If I need that root then there is a reason I can't conc shot or wing clip and that root may save me.
I havent tested out any pets at level 19, but i was definitely leaning towards a hyena. I suppose i'll go tame me a spider and see how that works out.
I am in the process of re-makign my 19 hunter. I had a spider and a bat. i used the bat a lot in arenas and the spider while try to cc healers and kill the FC in wsg.

i'd suggest getting both the spider and a bat. And like what someone else said.. 1 level isn't that big of a deal really.
i'm still with my cat here... my pig too.

am too high on my xp bar to gain them a level.

oh by the way... if i follow petopia about leveling a pet...

first of all the pet will always be maxed at 5 level difference of you now. thus if you are 19 and you take a level 1 creature like a pig in the starting zone of orcs. that pig will start out as a level 14 !

second that, it only takes 5% of your XP for your curent level to make your pet gain 1 level. thus at maximum getting it to level your 5 level difference, would only take 25% XP of your current level.

its not big of a deal if you ask !
i do understand that some have had their XP almost maxed for a while.

i am one of those, i have pets on my 19 twinks, and i just can't level another one.

all i was saying is that reserving 25% of your XP to level a pet, is not a big deal when you get your hunter from ground !


by the way 5% = about 4 bars at level 19
I did some testing today using my spider and hyena. The spider definitely makes it easier on me. A lot less stressful kiting with the spider and much easier to gain distance.

The hyena seemed good at chasing a FC with a lot of HP. The tendon rip kinda weaved in well with my CC. At 14 I don't really have the DPS to bring anyone down fast so slowing them down is key.

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