Hunter Level 10 Twinks Now Viable?

TWW patch 11.1 hunters get multi-shot at level 10, is it viable as as level 10 twink now?
Technically, you'd need to be 11 not 10 to get Multi-shot. It is an interesting change.

MM 20s are worth looking at too because you get your pet back (through Unbreakable Bond) if you want.

My general issue with Hunter twinks is that they're missing so much of their toolkit while at the same time the general Hunter tree is absolutely useless at low level. In DF you could take a movement speed ability at 10 (15% out-of-combat per rank, 2 ranks) but they moved that to the bottom of the tree.

That's partially why Warriors are so good. They only need one ability (Whirlwind) and their 10 talent is War Machine, which helps that AND gives your a speed boost.
Losing the early 30% speed and nerfing leech. 13 was prime for me cause you got 30% speed till you gear/gem, than get kill shot/improved kill crit damage.
Just tried my fully geared 11 MM hunter. Trading my pet (and the healing it provides) for a weak multi-shot is a really bad deal.
Went from 480 DPS to 277 DPS overall in a TBC dungeon.
Have to use traps more and eat more often.
/sigh /shrug
Just tried my fully geared 11 MM hunter. Trading my pet (and the healing it provides) for a weak multi-shot is a really bad deal.
Went from 480 DPS to 277 DPS overall in a TBC dungeon.
Have to use traps more and eat more often.
/sigh /shrug
I found exhilaration was enough of a heal to keep me going through The Nexus (where I'm still farming for the boots) without needing to stop and eat. Didn't really notice the missing pet since aimed shot would kill the first two mobs anyways. Course my pet would always catch the 3rd one, but the damage done by it was minimal so the pace didn't change much.

Multishot only really helped with the mana wrath swarms in the north area, wasn't so useful with the tiny plants since they come one by one in the first place. Didn't find any point in multishotting any groups of 3 or 4, was faster to just aim and steady shot those groups; and took less damage doing it.

Still a clunky class to play at low levels.

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