Hunter. BoA cape or Parachute with PvP power.


I have tried searching for info on this topic but all the cape talk seems to be about agil or pvp power ench.

What i am a bit confused about is whether a parachute with PvP power is gunna be better that the BoA cape without enchants?

Téa @ Twilight's Hammer - Community - World of Warcraft

I'm in need of the ring from Be Raptor and a second trinket (almost have honor for inherited on main). Will not be bothering with AGM as its long to farm and i've got other shit to do that sit around in stranglethorn till my arse hurts.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

ALSO: Ill be playing games a fair but this weekend so if you see me ingame holla for my real ID if you wanna play together :) (EU)
Why did you go with budget enchants. You can farm your own mats if you need to... 15 agility to gloves, 7 agility, 7 stamina, or run speed to boots, 9 stamina to bracer, 8 agility - 8 dodge to cloak.

To answer your question, yes pvp power is far superior to agility on parachute cloak on a hunter. Agility would only possibly be better for an ambush set for a rogue, but even there pvp power would be better sustained dps. BoA cloak is only better for a stamina or balanced set if you get stuck grabbing flag or have no heal support.
I have those cause its literally all that was on AH at the time. I plan to replace them when i cba to find an enchanter, but i've been busy lately.

Thanks for the info tho man, looks like ill be engineering this evening then!
Also you could use a crit belt instead of haste as well. seeing as how you haven't stacked haste it just makes more sense to go with crit. Also I would get the D-1000 ring and Seal of Argas instead of the rings your'e using until you can get charged gear. The parachute cloak macroed with Disengage gives hunters more distance if used properly as well. GL!
I would personally make a second parachute cloak and add +12 agility; it's great for the added crit and dodge. Also I would personally change out Rune of Duty for a Swift Hand Of Justice; i'd rather have 7 haste than 40 health.
Copy curleys gear

Naa but here's what I'd consider bis for a 24 hunter. Items are from best to worst, from left to right:

Head: Leather loom
Neck: Scouts medallion
Shoulder: Mail loom (crit/stam/agi)
Cloak: Parachute cloak with +16 pvp power
Chest: Mail loom with +4 stats
Bracers: Emissary cuffs of monkey/agility or Black Wolf Bracers for more of a crit-heavy set (+9 stamina)
Weapon: Loom gun with pyrium chain (instahitcap), or Glass shooter with +3damage scope (you'll have to get hitrating from other items if you choose this, but it's a good weapon nevertheless. Might be hard to acquire)
Gloves: Foremans gloves / Toughened leather gloves / Ashen gloves (ashen gloves alliance only) (I'd choose foreman for the reduced chance of dodging a focus scatter etc) (+15 agility)
Belt: Vigorous belt of the monkey
Legs: Mail loom (+16 armor)
Boots: Standard Issue prisoner shoes (minor speed / 7 agility)
Ring1: Charged gear of agility/monkey/ seal of argas
Ring2: Charged gear of agility/monkey/ seal of argas (dual argas only if you faction change)
Trinket1: Loom pvp trinket
Trinket2: Agm/goblin mortar/rune of duty/haste loom trinket


Herbalism should be always picked for lifeblood (20%ish haste + small heal), consider macroing it to a burst macro with Blood Fury and possibly pet ability Rabid.

Engineering, get this for parachute cloak and possibly goblin mortar / bombs.

I understand your question was only about para cloak, but I hope you don't mind my post :) Also this armory isn't probably considered best in slot for a 24, but I'll just leave it here in case you wanna take a look. (and to brag a bit of course)ämmën/simple

Any questions, just PM me and I'll be happy to answer them ;)
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Copy curleys gear

Naa but here's what I'd consider bis for a 24 hunter. Items are from best to worst, from left to right:

Head: Leather loom
Neck: Scouts medallion
Shoulder: Mail loom (crit/stam/agi)
Cloak: Parachute cloak with +16 pvp power
Chest: Mail loom with +4 stats
Bracers: Emissary cuffs of monkey/agility or Black Wolf Bracers for more of a crit-heavy set (+9 stamina)
Weapon: Loom gun with pyrium chain (instahitcap), or Glass shooter with +3damage scope (you'll have to get hitrating from other items if you choose this, but it's a good weapon nevertheless. Might be hard to acquire)
Gloves: Foremans gloves / Toughened leather gloves / Ashen gloves (ashen gloves alliance only) (I'd choose foreman for the reduced chance of dodging a focus scatter etc) (+15 agility)
Belt: Vigorous belt of the monkey
Legs: Mail loom (+16 armor)
Boots: Standard Issue prisoner shoes (minor speed / 7 agility)
Ring1: Charged gear of agility/monkey/ seal of argas
Ring2: Charged gear of agility/monkey/ seal of argas (dual argas only if you faction change)
Trinket1: Loom pvp trinket
Trinket2: Agm/goblin mortar/rune of duty/haste loom trinket


Herbalism should be always picked for lifeblood (20%ish haste + small heal), consider macroing it to a burst macro with Blood Fury and possibly pet ability Rabid.

Engineering, get this for parachute cloak and possibly goblin mortar / bombs.

I understand your question was only about para cloak, but I hope you don't mind my post :) Also this armory isn't probably considered best in slot for a 24, but I'll just leave it here in case you wanna take a look. (and to brag a bit of course)

Mesikämmën @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft

Any questions, just PM me and I'll be happy to answer them ;)

IMO the best way to hit cap a p2p 20 (editlol - against 20s, weapon chain is bis against 24s) or 24 hunter is the leather BoA helm with either Ring of Precision or DPR (based on agil/crit preference). You'll get more out of a +3 scope than you would using a second Argas/Charged Gear over one of those two rings. I'd put Glass Shooter over the BoA gun with this setup (although I'm currently using the BoA gun over Naga Heartpiercer at 20).

Other than that I agree with your setup. Did you mean the bandit belt, or do you think monkey is better?
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IMO the best way to hit cap a p2p 20 (editlol - against 20s, weapon chain is bis against 24s) or 24 hunter is the leather BoA helm with either Ring of Precision or DPR (based on agil/crit preference). You'll get more out of a +3 scope than you would using a second Argas/Charged Gear over one of those two rings. I'd put Glass Shooter over the BoA gun with this setup (although I'm currently using the BoA gun over Naga Heartpiercer at 20).

Other than that I agree with your setup. Did you mean the bandit belt, or do you think monkey is better?

Thanks for the correction, well appreciated. Yes I mean bandit belt, 5crit > 1stam 1agility imo.

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