Hunter at 70

I did run the only 2k+ sham hunter comp about but past 2k without massive amounts of skill and Skype past 2.1k isn't possible. That's why we recently swapped to disc hunter (stupid fotm teams) but ye hunters rly good 2 play if u know what ur doing and ur partner doesn't get ccd. When hunters get the silence nerf wyvern sting is best and they still will be good. Most hunters fail because of trap skills or not enough gear and pressure. Do all this and run with best healer around and u got a rank 1 killer on ur hands. Go go!
Hunter remains one of the strongest classes imo
When hunters get the silence nerf wyvern sting is best!

On the contrary, wyvern sting CD will be almost 3x that of silencing shot, DRs with trap/sap/poly and can be broken by WotF - against most comps silencing shot will still be superior imo.

There is of course always the argument that wyvern sting can be used against aura mastery, but I would still opt for silencing shot against casters due to the less common DR and shorter CD (I'm not sure if Wyvern sting is on the GCD still but if it is, then silence will be even stronger)

Just my opinion :)
Wyvern sting is being reduced to 45sec cd down from 60 and its instant. It's like repentance for hunters so decent ones will scatter trap then sting after trap and try get a massive chain on with their partner even if the enemy trinkets something. That's why I'm now running disc for the improved chain cc
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Wyvern sting is being reduced to 45sec cd down from 60 and its instant. It's like repentance for hunters so decent ones will scatter trap then sting after trap and try get a massive chain on with their partner even if the enemy trinkets something. That's why I'm now running disc for the improved chain cc

Wyvern sting is going to be DR'd to 4 seconds if you use it directly after trap, which is only 1 second longer than Silencing shot, yet has almost double the CD (thanks for updating me on the Wyvern Sting changes btw ^^).
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I guess after the nurf it's up to the hunter and it wasn't a penis fest just talking about wyvern over silence and how 1 could potentially become better than the other after the patch depending on use. I <3 meat. <- best hunt eu pre 2013 for sure

Meat ur right there though and I guess u could argue if u do a fear then a sting while ur traps still on cd the sting will be best and np on update remember +5% heal on disengage glyph which is big good news for hunters like alonski
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I guess after the nurf it's up to the hunter and it wasn't a penis fest just talking about wyvern over silence and how 1 could potentially become better than the other after the patch depending on use. I <3 meat. <- best hunt eu pre 2013 for sure

A little debate is always nice imo :3
Carrying on, if ur a bad hunter u could say if no silence u r stuck vs god comp however a good hunter beats a bad fotm comp by his pet moth / monkey. Moth silence 1min cd so at the moment it's fine with the other silence for 1v1 duel beat caster situations but in 5.2 if u run sting and moth or monkey it could be good for kills / kill setups in arena but ye still not ideal for 1v1 but hunter isn't fotm so np.
Carrying on, if ur a bad hunter u could say if no silence u r stuck vs god comp however a good hunter beats a bad fotm comp by his pet moth / monkey. Moth silence 1min cd so at the moment it's fine with the other silence for 1v1 duel beat caster situations but in 5.2 if u run sting and moth or monkey it could be good for kills / kill setups in arena but ye still not ideal for 1v1 but hunter isn't fotm so np.

afaik moth is an interrupt and not a blanket silence

interrupts do not DR
I guess so but why don't u just use cc on healer to line up a kill then go for the kill. Why would u need a 4 sec blanket over a interrupt which if successful could work as good as the blanket. Tbh why would u need a blanket at all? My partner currently only uses silence shot for interrupting for kills and interrupting the healer for kills.
I guess so but why don't u just use cc on healer to line up a kill then go for the kill. Why would u need a 4 sec blanket over a interrupt which if successful could work as good as the blanket. Tbh why would u need a blanket at all? My partner currently only uses silence shot for interrupting for kills and interrupting the healer for kills.

To stop instant cast spells such as shields, pom, NS etc
Just a thought totem, but if you switched to disc from rsham wanting more CC, surely mistweaver monk would be a better option? I know next to nothing DR wise about hunter and mistweaver, but from a distance i would say that'd be the best hunter/healer comp i can think of.

I think a good ret/hunter or rogue/hunter team would take 99% of the fotm comps to the cleaners.
Just a thought totem, but if you switched to disc from rsham wanting more CC, surely mistweaver monk would be a better option? I know next to nothing DR wise about hunter and mistweaver, but from a distance i would say that'd be the best hunter/healer comp i can think of.

I think a good ret/hunter or rogue/hunter team would take 99% of the fotm comps to the cleaners.

Paralyse shares DR with trap, Spear Hand Strike shares DR with Silencing Shot (unless used from behind ofc).

Thats about it, unless the hunter is BM in which case both stuns will DR.
Just a thought totem, but if you switched to disc from rsham wanting more CC, surely mistweaver monk would be a better option? I know next to nothing DR wise about hunter and mistweaver, but from a distance i would say that'd be the best hunter/healer comp i can think of.

No offensive dispel from a mistweaver though (afaik), and you don't want your hunter to be wasting all his energy on dispell shots i think :/ Seriously dispells are so OP in this bracket atm
Rogue hunt is best because of cc yes like alonski and lingu but they still lose to lots of fotm comps. As shaman we set up kills by either forcing priests dispersion an ooming him or getting early kills by cc bursting and I spam purge then do the interupt after hunters used his up. We switched to priest for more cc and because as a shaman if I got caught by 1 of lingu's comps like last night with noskillfotm after 2 nukes my shaman can't take much more and they can drop me so switching to priest I have Pom that's op as well as dps assist with bender and cc chain help yes I lose tremor so I have to play careful but its good because my partner can't be 1 hit by some retard prot pala who thinks he is pro past 2k and then fails on simple things like interupting (90% people from cya at bliz) that's why I swapped. Wtb better hunter comp tho cos I'm no glad pro skill priest and I hate the play style if I'm honest.

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