Scholarly Robes - I approve
Scholarly Robes - Item - World of Warcraft
Just copy my priests mog, if u don't dig the robe look, check out hü's mog. can't link his armory since I'm on my phone tho
I like this mog:
Buccaneer's Vest
Corpse Rompers
Silk-Threaded Trousers
Willow Gloves
Lucky Fishing Hat
Slime-Encrusted Pads
Rod of the Sleepwalker or just the priest staff mog
oh and enumerated wrap for belt mog .... like?
I want the mage in your sig so badly.
Warlock mog in the sig.
Goodluck with your search.
You should stay affliction it tops damage so good with a healer and good positioning. You don't see many good ones.