Huge sale!

I've bought TBJs for 100-150ish g
so have i? i've bought them for 2g> and got them to drop on first run, but if you want to wait and/or get very very lucky, good luck to you.
na, sorry for my lack of posting, There's a reason i didnt put a price on the orig thing, cause i had people intrested in all 3 >.< 2 of which bought, but before i even made my 2nd post in the thread, the person who wanted to buy the last one bought it this morning

since i feel bad for my lack of replying to you, I could set you up with 2 of my real life friends on blackhand who each have a pair (as well as 2 pairs of hotshots) if you were planning on x-fering and work there price down FOR you =P
Somehow it doubled o_O first time i had that here
Drayner said:
Jesus fucking christ... Get a fucking life, god damn.

The guy asked if he got it before or after the supposed nerfed drop rate. Since Morroz bought it 2nd hand, he has no fucking idea when the god damn gloves dropped. How the fuck did he dodge the question. He answered it by saying he didn't know. WTF is your problem?

Look kids, here's the fucking deal. Morroz has an item you want. He posts an asking price of x gold. You either pay x gold or offer y gold instead. If he accepts y gold, a deal is made. It's that fucking simple. Arguing with him about the fucking price isn't going to make the price go up or down. If you don't like his price, move along. Fuck...

Drayner... I love you.
Haha, yeah Morroz I wasn't expecting it for 100g :p I was looking at like 250-500 most likely, I am still interested in the assassin's blade though...i think, twinkytoes was looking for one for his rogue but not sure when he is transfering
I'll give you my [item] Hippogryph Hatchling[/item] and

[item] Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit [/item] and I'll even throw in Epic Tabard of your choice for the 2 Assassin's Blades. Plus I would be willing to go on webcam with you and show you all the cards. As a long time poster, I'd say I am pretty trustable around here. Also If you want the TTG stuff, it beats paying RL money for it. Pet goes for 60 dollars on ebay, Tabard 10-20, Biscuts like 5 bucks. We'll say around 75 dollars total. If your interested, let me know.
Diiesel said:
I'll give you my [item] Hippogryph Hatchling[/item] and

[item] Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit [/item] and I'll even throw in Epic Tabard of your choice for the 2 Assassin's Blades. Plus I would be willing to go on webcam with you and show you all the cards. As a long time poster, I'd say I am pretty trustable around here. Also If you want the TTG stuff, it beats paying RL money for it. Pet goes for 60 dollars on ebay, Tabard 10-20, Biscuts like 5 bucks. We'll say around 75 dollars total. If your interested, let me know.

ONE AB is gone and the other will be tommorow, so i'm sorry can't currently

:( I'll update the orig post when i sell the second one
Spooksters said:
Haha, yeah Morroz I wasn't expecting it for 100g :p I was looking at like 250-500 most likely, I am still interested in the assassin's blade though...i think, twinkytoes was looking for one for his rogue but not sure when he is transfering

You only had to pay 100g? wow nice...
Morroz said:
na, sorry for my lack of posting, There's a reason i didnt put a price on the orig thing, cause i had people intrested in all 3 >.< 2 of which bought, but before i even made my 2nd post in the thread, the person who wanted to buy the last one bought it this morning

since i feel bad for my lack of replying to you, I could set you up with 2 of my real life friends on blackhand who each have a pair (as well as 2 pairs of hotshots) if you were planning on x-fering and work there price down FOR you =P

No big deal, I'm not really looking to transfer, I will just keep looking for one on Azgalor. Thanks though
Diiesel said:
I'll give you my [item] Hippogryph Hatchling[/item] and

[item] Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit [/item] and I'll even throw in Epic Tabard of your choice for the 2 Assassin's Blades. Plus I would be willing to go on webcam with you and show you all the cards. As a long time poster, I'd say I am pretty trustable around here. Also If you want the TTG stuff, it beats paying RL money for it. Pet goes for 60 dollars on ebay, Tabard 10-20, Biscuts like 5 bucks. We'll say around 75 dollars total. If your interested, let me know.

I have 2 Assassin's Blades on Lightninghoof Alliance that I may consider trading if you're interested.
Infuze said:
You only had to pay 100g? wow nice...

No...I was saying that in response to the people saying they get them for 100-150g - i was saying that i wasn't looking to get it for that price and i am willing to pay moar :p
"12/12 TIGER LEATHER CAP 5000g (I've seen 2 in my life, both of which i own;p)"

What is the name of this cap exactly? I like rare item threads :p
deftones said:
"12/12 TIGER LEATHER CAP 5000g (I've seen 2 in my life, both of which i own;p)"

What is the name of this cap exactly? I like rare item threads :p

Nocturnal cap of the tiger

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