Huge sale!

Yeah just so everyone knows if you want to bitch about my prices, it wont be sold to you. I've turned down a 15k pod offer 6 months ago because the person was a bitch and instead sold it to an awesome guildie for 7K + a few items.
if my account was active atm id be interested in some 19 items

but im mainly looking for like some 10 ap's or perfect stam bracers
Can you just PM me or post the actual asking price for the 3/3 bracers please? Did you mean 15k for them in a previous post? I am kinda confused atm lol
likely not to have any left, so far sold one pair at 800, got another guy whos got a pair on hold for 800 and the last pair traded to a guildie for a tbj

but if the one on hold doesent sell withen a day or two... all someone elses to grab
Wow I posted here so fast... could I atleast get 1? lol Also how would we transfer? What server are you on?
Hey Morroz, I sent you a PM but you've probably been busy and or getting spammed with PM's like nuts :p So i'll just post here:

How much (roughly) for one, or both, Assassin's Blades, and I am also interested in a TBJ perhaps. And it looks like the 3/3 monkey wranglers are gone, but do you have any perfect AP ones? Or falcon? (think you said no to the falcon already?) And I am also looking for 4/4 falcon gloves maybe ...

Thanks ^^
Morrez, I will buy ALL 19 items that you have for a reasonable guildie price! If you don't mind sending me a PM of what you have and we can negotiate prices.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Epic question dodge right there.

How low are you willing to go on the gloves?

I dont think of it as a dodge, but it is a disapointment to me.

On one hand--if they are no longer available, 8500k is a bargain :)

On the other--I just cant see myself, personally, spending that much on what is just a fun hobby for me. For someone who their twink is their main. . . sure.

If anyone hears anything definative about whether these still drop, please let me know
Morroz said:
Yeah just so everyone knows if you want to bitch about my prices, it wont be sold to you. I've turned down a 15k pod offer 6 months ago because the person was a bitch and instead sold it to an awesome guildie for 7K + a few items.

So should we live in fear that you wont sell us that coveted item? o noes
Bromrotama said:
So should we live in fear that you wont sell us that coveted item? o noes

No, you should live in fear if your name is iaccidentallytwink and you post in one of my threads.
You didn't post a price on the assassin's blades, do you want me to just make an offer? xD Or do you have a rough looking price for them? :D
sold one for 3000 (after neutral ah prices) other has a 3k offer on it the guy get's 1 more day to x-fer his gold from ally to horde or i'll sell it to ya ;P
Haha, thats cool - what about a TBJ? Im looking at rolling a hunter for premades and when my mage is not needed, so i need a TBJ until i level my shaman to 80, and id love 3/3 falcons (but you don't have any, do you?)
6 tbjs....
mm 6 of them you say....sounds nice, sounds very nice...what are you looking for price wise? think they were on the AH for like 800...but thats a little high for my tastes (yes i have it, but would love lower if i could get it...)
course u can =P but they were on ah for 999 lol
Haha, I just remember seeing a whole bunch of them up there for lots of gold :p Umm...k, prices...not really sure what to ask for - the one i was considering buying a while back was like 500g but im not even sure anymore...

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